US-84 W
US-84 W and US-70 W
TX-114 W and TX-214 N
The driving distance from Lubbock, TX to Santa Fe, NM is approximately 330 miles or 531 kilometers.
314 miles taking this route:Take I-10 EAST from Phoenix to NM-494 MAIN ST at EXIT 22 in LORDSBURG, NEW MEXICO; TURN LEFT off the exit ramp onto NM-494 (Main St) NORTH.Take NM-494 NORTH on Main St to NM-90; follow signs to NM-90.Take NM-90 to Silver City.
The driving distance between Abilene, TX and Roswell, NM is approximately 375 miles, depending on the specific route taken. It typically takes around 6-7 hours to drive between the two cities, without factoring in traffic or stops.
The distance from Eagle Nest, NM to Taos, NM is approximately 25 miles, with a driving time of around 35-40 minutes depending on traffic and road conditions.
Odessa, TX is approximately 70 miles away from Hobbs, NM. The driving time between the two cities is around 1 hour and 15 minutes.
There are about 500 miles between Clovis, NM and Muskogee, OK.
Distance in road miles between Clovis NM and Dallas TX is about 450 miles. Which is about 7 hours.
Roughly 1200 miles
It is 247 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance from Lubbock, TX to Santa Fe, NM is approximately 330 miles or 531 kilometers.
1,000 miles
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 1 hour and 59 minutes.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 1 hour and 59 minutes.
The driving distance from Albuquerque, NM to Clovis, NM is 222 miles.
Los Cruces, NM
200 miles exactly
Clovis, NM is about 2100 miles. Clovis, CA is about 3100 miles.