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food will be outstrippen and if nothing will be done there will be hunger, poverty and misery and that inorder to curve he was to improve the environment and women should be self esteem and to use contraceptives to curve the population

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12y ago
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2mo ago

The Malthusian theory of population growth posits that population increases geometrically (exponentially) while food production increases arithmetically (linearly), leading to a point where population growth outstrips the food supply. This imbalance results in checks on population growth such as famine, disease, and war to restore equilibrium.

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10y ago

According to Malthusian theory of population, population increases in a geometrical ratio, whereas food supply increases in an arithmetic ratio.

This disharmony would lead to widespread poverty and starvation, which would only be checked by natural occurrences such as disease, high infant mortality, famine, war or moral restraint. His main contribution is in the agricultural sector. According to this theory there are two steps to control the population: preventative and positive checks. Preventative means control in Birth Rate, and uses of different methods to control birth; and positive checks means natural calamities, war, etc.

His theory was wrong because Malthus only considered two factors when he established his basic graph: food supply and population growth. Other factors such as improvements in technology proved him wrong. He was right at his time but development made him wrong. If it wasn't for outside influences on population growth and food supply, his mathematical reasoning which proved his theory and was right.

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14y ago

According to Thomas Malthus about the theory of population, he said that the growth of population in the world is in geometrical order that is 1 2 4 16... while the growth of production or subsistence is arithmetic order that is 1 2 4 6 8 10...Then he affirm that population should be controlled in order to have an equal distribution to all the people or else the production should be improved in order to sustain the needs of the people.

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12y ago

Malthus was an economist who proposed that human population grows exponentially but food production does not, hence starvation is inevitable. He did, however, argue that there are positive checks on population growth ( ie, plagues, wars) and preventive checks (lower birth rate) to limit exponential growth for too long a time, but scarcity will continue.

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11y ago

You need lots of bread to sustain lots of souls

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Q: What is the malthusian theory for population growth?
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What is population trap?

The Malthusian Trap is the theory that, as population growth is ahead of agricultural growth, there must be a stage at which the food supply is inadequate for feeding the population.

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Both Marxist and Malthusian theories are concerned with population growth and its impact on society, but they offer different perspectives on the issue. Both theories acknowledge that population growth can lead to resource scarcity and social problems. However, Marxist theory sees these issues as a result of unequal distribution of resources and production, while Malthusian theory focuses more on the limits of resources to support population growth.

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The Neo-Malthusian theory builds upon Malthus's ideas by incorporating current trends and factors such as population growth, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. It emphasizes the impact of overpopulation on the environment and advocates for measures like birth control and family planning to control population growth. The original Malthusian theory focused primarily on the relationship between population growth and food supply.

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Optimum theory proposes that there is an ideal population size that maximizes societal welfare and economic efficiency, whereas Malthusian theory posits that population growth will outstrip resources leading to famine and suffering unless controlled by preventive checks (like war, disease, or lack of resources) or positive checks (like famine, disease, or war). Optimum theory focuses on the balance between population and resources for societal well-being, while Malthusian theory highlights the consequences of unchecked population growth.

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can you say that malthusian population theory is relevant to Nigerian,using the 2006 population census?

What is the difference between the malthusian theory and the demographic transition theory?

The Malthusian theory suggests that population growth will outstrip food supply, leading to resource scarcity and social collapse. In contrast, the demographic transition theory explains how populations stabilize as societies transition from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates due to economic and social development.

The malthusian theory is relevant to the Philippines?

Yes, the Malthusian theory, which suggests that population growth will outpace food production leading to scarcity and conflict, can be relevant to the Philippines due to its growing population and limited resources. The country's high population density, reliance on agriculture, and vulnerability to natural disasters make it susceptible to challenges related to food security and resource depletion if not managed efficiently.

What did Thomas Malthus do?

Thomas Malthus was an English economist and demographer who is best known for his theory on population growth called the Malthusian theory. He argued that population tends to grow faster than the food supply, leading to poverty and societal problems. His work had a significant impact on the fields of economics, sociology, and environmental studies.

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What is the Neo Malthusian theory?

A neo malthusian is somebody of malthus beliefs neomalthusians on population growth and control the neo-malthusian theorists may be presented as a splinter group. essentially they agree with malthus that control of population is inevitable. however they disagree with malthus that factors like war and famine are the key to population control and reject such simplistic notions. instead they promote a number of ideals for exapmle planned parenthood as a method of population control. Mustapha, Nasser (2006) Sociology for Caribbean Students: Development and Social Change.

Thomas Malthus wrote extensively and provided a concept and formula for?

population growth and resource availability, known as the Malthusian theory. He proposed that population growth will eventually outpace the availability of resources, leading to widespread famine and suffering. Malthus argued that population growth should be regulated to prevent such outcomes.