The population of Pembury is approximately 6,000.
The population of Schwenheim is approximately 10,000 residents.
The population of Presteigne is estimated to be around 2,728.
The population of Tirupur district is 2,471,222.
As of the latest available data, the population of Kalpakkam in India is estimated to be around 20,000 people.
Saint-Dizant-du-Gua's population is 532.
Saint-Julien-du-Gua's population is 177.
Musang Berjanggut was created in 1959.
The cast of Musang berjanggut - 1959 includes: Saadiah
It can very
The cast of Pontianak gua musang - 1964 includes: Suraya Haron Ummi Kalthoum Malik Selamat Ghazali Sumantri
Gua Gua La has written: 'The prophecy of Manu' -- subject(s): Fiction, Indians of North America
the musang
Malik Selamat has: Performed in "Pontianak Kembali" in 1963. Performed in "Pontianak gua musang" in 1964. Performed in "Rumah itu duniaku" in 1964. Performed in "Dosa wanita" in 1967. Played Sea Spider in "Sandokan" in 1976. Performed in "Firecracker" in 1981.
April 17, 1964
Gua ai di means "i love you" in mandarin