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Go to the link below, it has a lot of information on variation in population.

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Q: What is the primary original source of genetic variation in a population?
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What tends to increase genetic variation in a population?

Genetic variation is the total amount of genetic diversity present within a species or population. The amount of genetic variation in a population will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the population, the type of reproduction, and environmental influences. The primary way to increase genetic variation in a population is through mutation. Mutations are random changes in the genetic code that can lead to new traits or characteristics. Mutations can be caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to radiation or chemicals, or they can occur spontaneously. Mutations can be beneficial, neutral, or detrimental to the organism, but they do lead to increased genetic variation. Another way to increase genetic variation in a population is through migration. When individuals from different populations mate, they bring with them different alleles from their home population, increasing the genetic diversity of the new population. This is especially important for populations that are geographically isolated, such as island populations. Another factor that can increase genetic variation is sexual selection. This is the process by which individuals select mates based on certain desired traits. This can lead to an increase in the number of different alleles in the population, as individuals with certain traits will be more likely to reproduce. Finally, gene flow is a process that can increase genetic variation in a population. Gene flow is when individuals from one population move to another population and mate with individuals in the new population. This can bring in alleles from the original population, increasing the genetic diversity of the new population. Overall, while mutation, migration, sexual selection, and gene flow are all important factors in increasing genetic variation in a population, it is important to note that genetic variation can also be decreased by inbreeding and genetic drift. Inbreeding is when individuals mate with close relatives, reducing the number of alleles in the population and leading to decreased genetic variation. Genetic drift is when random fluctuations in allele frequencies occur due to a small population size, leading to decreased genetic variation. Therefore, it is important to consider all of these factors when trying to increase genetic variation in a population.

What is the ultimate source of genetic variation and the basis for the diversity of life on earth?

Mutations. These have quite a few different causes. Sexual reproduction is a "more recent source" {beginning 600 million years ago} of genetic variability. The process of sharing genetic information, coupled with the random crossing and mixing of genetic information during the creation of a new organism, leads to another source of genetic variability.

Disadvantages of budding?

budding does not allow any type of genetic variation. The new generation is naturally genetically identical to the primary one(clone) so as with binary fission there is not as much genetic variation in offspring as occurs with sexual reproduction.

What is the primary advantage of sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is more advantageous than asexual reproduction because it allows for genetic diversity. In asexual reproduction there is only one source of genetic material whereas with sexual reproduction there are two sources of genetic material.

What is the primary evolutionary unit is the?

population is the primary evolutionary unit of any living organisms

What is the primary cause of variation in offspring of sexually reproducing organism?

recombination of alleles

Who or what is responsible for it being in danger for white tigers?

White tigers are only a rare genetic variation of the Bengal. None have been seen in the wild for years, but could occur in a normal Bengal litter at any time. Man has been the primary reason for tiger endangerment.

The advantages and disadvantages of primary data?

Advantages and Disadvantages of primary data are: Advantages 1. Data is basic 2. Unbiased information 3. Original data 4. Data from the primary market/ population 5. Data direct from the population. Disadvantages. 1. Large volume of data. 2. Huge volume of population. 3. Time consuming 4. Direct and personal intervention has to be there. 5. Raw data.

Primary vehicle for carrying genetic information from the nucleus to the cytosol?


What is the primary cause of changes in the earth's weather?

The primary cause in change to the Earth's weather is variation in solar energy received by the Earth's regions.

What do you understand by the statement DNA is the primary genetic material of the cell?

DNA is the primary genetic material of all cellular organisms and is housed in the nucleus or cytoplasm. DNA controls the cells functions.

What is the primary function of DNA?

DNA is the genetic material of cells. The major function of DNA is to store and transmit genetic (hereditary) information. It does this by providing a code (the genetic code) for the production of proteins by the cell.