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indertured sevants were differnts from slaves

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Q: Which natural boundary made it difficult for the colonists to move west?
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Is natural boundary nature made?


Is the boundary between Arizona and California natural or made by people?


What is the different between natural and a political?

A natural boundary is a boundary that is viewed from a physical factor like a mountain, river, or other land form/waterway. A political boundary is a boundary that is man made or decided by people. For example the state border is a political boundary.

What is the definition of artificial boundaries?

An artificial boundary is a boundary made by humans, examples include dams, the fence at the border between the U.S and Mexico. A natural boundary is a boundary made by nature, a boundary that "happens" naturally, examples include rivers, mountains and such.

What is the differerence between a natural and a political boundary give an example of each?

A natural boundary is a separation of land made naturally, such as the Himalayas separating the Indian subcontinent from the rest of Asia. A political boundary is a land made separation of land, such as the United States-Mexico border.

What is the difference between a natural and a physical boundary?

A natural boundary is a boundary that is defined by natural features, such as a strait, a mountain range etc. A physical boundary is can be an imaginary boundary that is drawn on a map, which is not shown in real life, something like a political boundary.

Is a highway a natural boundary?

No, a highway is man-made, therefore NOT natural.

What are some of the natural barriors that made migration difficult in the past?


What is a topographical boundary?

Yes, the term topography includes all surface features whether natural or man-made.

What is the difference between a natural and political boundry?

A natural boundary is formed by physical geographic features like rivers, mountains, or oceans, while a political boundary is created by human design, often marked by walls, fences, or treaties. Natural boundaries can change over time due to geological forces, while political boundaries are legally defined and more stable.

What is the difference between a natural and a political boundary Example?

A natural boundary is a physical geographical feature such as a mountain or river that separates two areas. A political boundary is a line drawn by humans to define borders between countries or territories. An example would be the border between the United States and Mexico being a political boundary, while the Rio Grande River serving as a natural boundary in some areas.

What is the difference between natural and artificial boundaries?

A natural boundary might be something like a river, mountain range, or an ocean. These are generally considered to be obstructions which prevent crossing without additional equipment or assistance, such as a boat or horses to carry what you need to cross a mountain range. A political boundary would be a real or imagined line in the sand that defines the boundary of a nation or state. For example, Australia's boundary is an ocean and Switzerland's boundary is defined by mountains, these are both physical and natural boundaries. The boundaries of Colorado are all just surveying lines and there really isn't much of a physical boundary involved.