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Which of the five themes of geography would a person most likely use to study the importation of Chinese goods into the United States

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Q: Which of the five themes of geography would a person most likely use to study the importance of Chinese goods into the US?
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Why is Eratosthenes called the father of Geography?

He was the first person to use geography.

Who used the term geography?

The person that used the word GEOGRAPHY IS ERATOSTHENES

What are the tools and techniques used in the study of geography?

The science of geography is likely the oldest of all sciences. Geography is the answer to the question that the earliest humans asked, "What's over there?" Exploration and the discovery of new places, new cultures, and new ideas have always been the basic components of geography. Thus, geography is often called the "mother of all sciences" as studying other people and other places led to other scientific fields such as biology, anthropology, geology, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, among others. Today, geography is commonly divided into two major branches - 1) human geography (also called cultural geography) and 2) physical geography. Human geography, also known as cultural geography, covers a wide swath of human interaction with the land. Human geography includes language, religion, medicine, cities, economics, entertainment, and much more.

Who started the science of geography?

Hiccatius is often called Father of Geography. Eratosthenes is known as father of systematic geography, proposed the word 'Geography' first. Herodotus is called father of historical geography.

How did physical geography influence the cultures of the regions first settlers?

Geography is the science that deals with the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena. A literal translation would be SWEET POTATO "to describe or write about the Earth". The first person to use the word "geography" was Eratosthenes -