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All other things being equal such as elevation, proximity to ocean currents, deserts, etc., the location at 20 degrees north would most likely have the warmest yearly "average" temperature due to the fact that it is nearer to the equator where the Sun's migration is limited to approximately 23.5 degrees north and south annually. The limits of the Sun's annual migration are defined by the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

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9y ago

During the winter solstice, 40 degrees south would be warmer than 20 degrees north. The Earth would be tilted twenty three and one half degrees south of the equator on December 21 or 22. The portion of the Earth that is tilted toward the sun receives more direct sunlight.

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Q: Why would 40 degrees south be warmer than 20 degrees north?
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Since there is only 90 degrees on each hemisphere of the earth, north and south, the 90 degree north latitude would be north pole and 90 degrees south latitude is the south pole.

How is 90 degrees north latitude different from 90 degrees south latitude?

Since there is only 90 degrees on each hemisphere of the earth, north and south, the 90 degree north latitude would be north pole and 90 degrees south latitude is the south pole.

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0 to 23 degrees north or south latitude is?

It would be the Tropic of Cancer and The Tropic of Capricorn if it was 25 degrees north and south latitude.