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Q: Choose the word that will correctly complete this analogy gulf chasm gyrate?
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What is the analogy of gyrate?


Gyrate in a sentence?

Gyrate means to spin and twist. Here are some sentences.The clothing on the line will gyrate wildly in the strong wind.To do this dance, you gyrate in time to the music.Tops gyrate when you spin them.

Gulf is to chasm as gyrate is to?

gyrate is to twirl

Who is gyrate?

More like, 'What is gyrate'. To gyrate is a verb - it means to spin on ones own vertical axis. AKA - to spin.

How do you use gyrate in a sentence?

The two children did happily gyrate around the dragon that ate the deadly pirate. Gyrate means to whirl.

Can you gyrate your head?

Yes, a person can gyrate their head. Gyrate means to move quickly, move or cause to move in a great circle or spiral.

Use the word gyrate in a sentence?

A spinning top won't gyrate forever.

What is tyrage unscrambled?

The anagram is gyrate.

6 letter word ending in ate?


What rhymes with pirate?

In The Pirates of Penzance, W. S. Gilbert rhymed "pirate" with "gyrate."

The science word for rotate from the science book?

The scientific term "rotate" is "gyrate" (sometimes spelled "girate").

What has the author Kirsti Takki written?

Kirsti Takki has written: 'Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina associated with hyperornithinaemia'