le vingt-neuvième étage
le loft (masc.)
a curve is translated 'une courbe' (fem.) in French - plural: des courbes.
trés grand(e)
Since we can't see the floor plan you're supposedly looking at we can't answer this question definitively. However, most floor plans of more than a few rooms will have at least one quadrilateral that isn't a regular polygon, and since quadrilaterals can include two or more other quadrilaterals you need to literally 'think outside the box'. More simply, the question asks 'are there any quadrilaterals that aren't squares'.
You can say "Quels sont tes projets ?" in French to ask "What are your plans?"
You can say "je n'ai pas de plans" in French to mean "I have no plans."
You say "quatrième étage" in French to indicate the fourth floor.
plans d'apprentissage personnels
Le troisième étage is third floor in French.
The tenth floor is "le dixième étage" in French.
You would say "Le sol est la lave" in French to express "The floor is lava."
As-tu des plans pour aujourd'hui?
"Sweep the floor" in French is "balayer le sol."
Floor plans :)
premier étage
Dernier etage.