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J'ai quarante ans.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

You can say "J'ai 40 ans" in French to mean "I am 40 years old."

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How do you say he is 40 years old in french?

You would say "Il a quarante ans" in French to mean "He is 40 years old."

How do you say 40 years old in French?

quarante ans is the age of a person. It says forty years old in french.

How do you say he is 40 years old?

Tiene cuarenta años.

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It would say on the recept

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The bible does not say the age. But he lived 120 years. so 40 years in the land of Egypt, 40 years in Midi an and 40 years wandering in the wilderness.

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Elle a quartante ans. you don't say she am 40 like in english, you say she has 40 years in french. ~Gracygoo hope that helps!

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it was 22 years old people say

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French surfer and songwriter Tom Frager is 40 years old (birthdate: July 1, 1977).

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i say when your 40 years old best

How do you say who is 40 years old in French?

To ask the question "who is 40 years old" you can say, Qui a quarante ans? When talking about age you use "avoir" which means "to have" so really you are saying "who has 40 years" to English speakers like us it's very strange. Hope that helps. Here are some other age statements and questions: How old are you? Combien des ans avez-vous? I am (age here). J'ai _______ He/She is (age) Il/Elle a _____ Is he/she eleven? a-t*-il/elle onze ans? *The "t" is only there to make the sentence flow better in speach. Hope that helps! :) Elizabeth

Who do you say 40 in french?


How old is too old to be carried?

well it depends how heavy you are i would say about 40 pounds unless your little like 3 years old