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Yes. If you exceed your maximum weekly unemployment amount in wages you will not get anything from the government. If for instance, your weekly benefit amount was $400 and you earned $200 from your part-time job, unemployment would pay you $200 and make up the difference.

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Of course, unemployment is also for the employed, hence the name.

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Q: Can a person collect unemployment while on short term disability in Indiana?
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Can a person collect unemployment and disability for end-stage kidney failure at sametime?

Don't think so as a worker must be able to work to collect unemployment benifits.

Can the person who have power of attorney collect unemployment for a person incarcerated?

NO. A persn who is incarcerated cannot collect unemployment.

Can a person collect short term disability in Colorado while on unemployment?

Check your policy for language about disability while unemployed. Many will require that you be unable to perform two or more activities of daily living.

Can a person collect unemployment while on disability?

It stands to reason if the handicap was job-related- say exploding rocks causing blindness on a construction site, workmen:s comp might be in order! By and large unemployment ( as a financial recompense) and disability, are two differfent establishments, why don"t you contact the Social security office in your town.

Can you collect umemployment for a sick parent?

Normally, to collect unemployment benefits, the person receiving them must be both able to work and actively looking for work. If they're unable to work due to being sick, they shouldn't be getting unemployment in the first place; they might get disability benefits, but that's not the same thing. You can never collect someone else's unemployment benefits, unless you're talking about physically walking to the mailbox and picking it up for them, which would be okay provided that they specifically authorized you to do this.

Why is disability a cause of unemployment?

If the person is disabled, and unable to work , then he/she will have to quit her job, resulting in being unemployed.

Can a person collect unemployment benefits while on workers' compensation?

no. If your on workers comp. then your still employeed.

Can you collect unemployment after drinking on the job?

Most likely not because it would be the person's fault and not the companies.

Can a fraudulent check be collected from a person on disability?

You could sue and get a judgment, but most states would not allow you to garnish the disability benefits to collect the judgment. If the person on disability had other assets like a house, you could go after those assets. If the person IS on disability, they might not HAVE other assets to go after.

Can you collect unemployment if you live in Michigan and got laid off in Indiana?

According to the Michigan Employment Security Act, you only qualify for unemployment if you quit your job because of an action (or lack thereof) of your employer that a reasonable person would be unable to tolerate. You must first inform your employer of your concern and give them the opportunity to make changes before you quit. You have nothing to lose by filing for unemployment benefits and should do so, providing all pertinent information and documentation that you have, allowing the agency to decide whether you are eligible.

Can a person claim unemployment in Utah when he lives and works in Califoria?

No. You can only collect from the "liable state" which the employer pays unemployment taxes to, which in your case is California.

Can you collect unemployment benefits while in basic training for the military?

I just called to the unemployment benefits line, and they say that no, we wont receive UB since BT is full time and we will be paid for it even it is not too much.