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i was frantically pacing around the mall.

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Q: Can you give me a sentence for the word frantically?
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Can you give a sentence with the word frantically in it?

He frantically tried to find his keys of his new car that he had lost on the beach.

A sentence for the word frantically?

The worker bees seemed to be scurrying more frantically near the queen.

What is a sentence usin the word escaping?

I frantically scrambled to corral the escaping kittens.

How do you use the word frantically in a sentence?

Sarah's car was stolen and she was frantic, trying to figure out what happened.

Can you give sentence using the word scamper?

The children scampered across the playground, chasing after the ball.

How do you used frantically in a sentence?

Frantically is an adverb to describe an action as in an uncontrolled, disordered, or nervous manner. Example sentence: I searched frantically for my keys, which I finally found in the plant by the door.

What part of speech is the word frantically?

The word frantically is an adverb. It means to do something in a frantic manner.

What is a sentence using the word frantically?

She was frantic underneath the ice because she couldn't find her way out. When her son did not come home from school on time, the mother became frantic and called the police.

How would you use the word frantically?

The young mother screamed frantically as she searched for her missing child.

Can you give me a sentence with the word betwitched?

Can you give me a sentence with the word betwitched?

What is the adjective in the sentence joe was frantically mumbling to the 911 emergency operator?

mumbling is the adjective in that sentence..

What does the word frantically mean?

means to love