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The following fish should not be eaten because they can contain industrial pollutant in their fatty tissues: * blue fish * stripped bass * salmon * pike * trout * walleye

You should also not eat any raw foods (meats, eggs, etc or foods containing raw eggs or meat such as Caesar dressing, home made ice cream, some mayonaise), soft white cheeses.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Hotdogs, peanuts, some fish and seafood, alcohol, caffenaited drinks, pasta and bread should be eaten in moderation due to carbs/sugars. Becareful of sugar subsitutes.. Splenda is ok but others may not be. Check with your doctor

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It is not safe to eat raw foods such as sushi or raw meats.

Processed foods or foods from a metal or aluminum is not healthy.

Alcohol and drugs of course are never healthy.

Do not eat too much refined flour or sugar.

Avoid fish with Mercury, which is VERY harmful to your growing fetus.

Basically, eat as healthy as you would have your own child eat.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Dont take any medication such as Tylenol. Do not smoke at all or drink any liquor it could cause your baby to have birth affects such as mental retardation. consult your doctor about any further questions and maybe ask for a pamplet.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It is recommend to stay away from fish while you are pregnant. Fish can carry mercury and this would be very hard on the baby. Also, stay away from deli meat. There is a lot of contamination, so if you feel you must eat it, heat it up to the point of steaming.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

healthy you can also have a little bit of sugar and dont do drugs

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Q: What foods are you not allowed to eat when pregnant?
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Yes, I would advise a pregnant mother to eat the correct foods. It is very important that the mother eats enough nutritious foods to keep the baby healthy. If not, it could affect the baby in a negative way so make sure you eat the correct foods.

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Yes you can. If you develop different likes and dislikes while pregnant some foods may taste bad to you that you usually enjoy, but hot foods aren't dangerous for pregnant women.

What do you eat in langer?

In the Langar, you eat only plant foods, such as fruits, berries and vegetables. Everybody is allowed to eat with them. They only eat after they pray in the Gurdwara.

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Yes it can. When pregnant it is important to eat health. You can eat junk food but not too much.

Isn't Shavuot the holiday where you eat dairy foods?

yes, it is customary to eat dairy foods. Although it is allowed to eat meat on the holiday as well. (But of course, not dairy and meat together!--that would not be kosher)