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BECAUSE they think they have better things to do with there money that buy and set up TVs that would like cut the office hands' work load by like 85% AT LEAST man, if only they knew how much time they could cut off just buy like putting in TVs

because they want yooou to buy stuff so they can get money...DUH

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Q: Why supermarkets use notice boards?
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Why do you need notice boards?

Notice boards are incredibly versatile and perfect for any office or meeting room. Notice boards come in several different colours and styles. Basically there great for advertisement !

What are the purpose of notice boards?

The following are some purposes of notice boards; local ownership promotion, picture display, announcement and important notices, audit display, and general feed back and information.

Differences of white boards and black boards?

White boards use Dry Erase Markers. Black boards use Chalk.

How do you write a notice for notice board about tracking holiday?

You can write a notice for notice boards about tracking holidays by creating a list that includes all the major US holidays and their dates. This will be convenient for tracking purposes.

Why are supermarkets allowed to replace people with machines?

People are being replaced by machines because machines are faster, more efficient, and most importantly they do not fatigue or have to be payed (except for when they are bought) , the supermarkets and factories realize this so the boards of the companies allow it.

How can you get a job in plastering?

You look on shop windows and on notice boards, magazines, newspapers etc.

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What kind eraser to use on white boards?

same eraser both on white boards and chalk boards?

What is a notice board?

A notice board is a place where public messages can be posted and items can be advertised for sale. Upcoming events are posted on the boards. A notice board is sometimes called a bulletin board or pin board.

Where can one purchase a cork notice board?

One can purchase a cork notice board from Staples, OfficeMax, Meijer, Walmart, and Target. Cork Notice boards are also available in a variety of places online.

Why do supermarkets use Epos?

They use EPOS to control stock levels

Why do supermarkets use Excel?

Supermarkets, like any business, deal a lot with numbers. Supermarkets are dealing with them in terms of things like prices and orders and stock levels. They would use a lot of specialised software to do some of these things, but they would be able to use Excel to do some of it too.