

Planetary Science

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Betty Tromp

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2y ago
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Of all the gas giants has the shortest period of revolution


Which planet do most known extrasolar planets LEAST resemble


The inner planets such as Mars, Earth or Mercury. these are too small to identify in other systems and too close to the star.

Importance of remote sensing in civil engineering

remote sensing

The term for a geographic locations height above sea level is

The term for a geographic locations height above sea level is altitude. In geography this is the vertical distance above sea level. However, it may also be called the elevation because in geography it is defined as a specific point's height on the Earth's surface in relation to sea level.

Statement correctly describes how the density and temperature of air are related

less-dense air has a higher temperature

What map that shows the layout of the roads in a city with no information about elevation is called

what map that shows the layout of the roads in a city with no informatoin about elevation is called

Which best describes the beginning of the big bang

A blowing of a balloon best describes the BIG BANG best

If you were testing how well different dish soaps cleaned your dishes the control group would be-

If you were testing how well different dish soaps cleaned the dishes the control group would be dishes washed in plain water.

Titan is a moon that orbits around-

Titan is a moon the orbits around Saturn. This is a planet.

Two dimensional maps show what

Planar projection

What two things balance to maintain the shape of a star

Pressure and gravity

Which of the following is NOT likely to appear on a map


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Why do two-dimensional maps of Earth have distortions

Which planet do most known extrasolar planets LEAST resemble

What is not standing in the way of astronomers getting a good view of distant stars

The property of ice that allows it to float in water is the ice's low

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Why do the planets rotate around the sun

Is a road map a planimetric map

Why do two-dimensional maps of Earth have distortions

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Why do the planets rotate around the sun

Which planet do most known extrasolar planets most resemble

What were the heavier elements in the universe formed by

What object is so dense that even light can not escape its gravity

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14 cards

Why do the planets rotate around the sun

Which planet do most known extrasolar planets most resemble

What were the heavier elements in the universe formed by

What object is so dense that even light can not escape its gravity

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