

Business Plans

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Ladarius Brekke

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What are the feasibility study and define each

Feasibility study is the evaluation of a proposed project. This is to determine if the project is technically feasible, feasible within estimated cost, and will be profitable.

What are the principles of ergonomics

The principles of ergonomics include working in neutral postures, keeping the neck aligned, and keeping the wrists in a neutral position. This increases the level of comfort when working.

Who organizes manages and assumes the risk of a business or enterprise

An Entrepreneur organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.

Example of feasibility study for a business like soap making

A feasibility study figures out if starting out a business would be profitable or viable. There is a complete feasibility study, done in Nigeria, on soap-making, that is available for view on YouTube.

Why is it important for marketing manager to understand concept of the product life cycle

knowing when to launch a new product or update an existing one can give a business a crucial advantage.

What is the Differences between Economics and sociology

Economics deals with Money and expenditure in countries

Sociology deals with people and processes in society.

What is ergonomic studies

Ergonomics is all about how humans are capable of certain demands in regards to work. Scientists who study ergonomics are called ergonomists and they show how to relieve stress and tension in the work place, and also in every day living.

Define a lifestyle entrepreneur

A lifestyle entrepreneur becomes an entrepreneur for quality-of-life reasons.

What is the Telugu word for 'Ergonomics'
What sort of people could you expect to meet in Antarctica where would they stay in Antarctica

People who qualify to work and live in Antarctica temporarily can either be considered mercenaries or missionaries.

Mercenaries work there for the money; missionaries work there because they believe in the Antarctic Treaty and its value to humankind.

All workers live in research stations or field camps.

What part of speech is demands

it is a verb

Is barter the exchange of goods and services for other goods and services


What is the mental product of comprehension

Where you reach a conclusion, arising from an understanding, based on a perception, that conclusion is the mental product of comprehension.

Who is a classical entrepreneur

A classical entrepreneur is one who is concerned with the customers and marketing needs through the development of a self-supporting venture. He is a stereotype entrepreneur whose aim is to maximize his economic returns at a level consistent with the survival of the firm with or without an element of growth.

When do strong emotions affect your ability to make decisions

Usually when you are overanxious or stressed out.

Is restaurant business is feasible

As there are many thousands of restaurants in business today it is safe to assume it is a feasible and viable business.

What differentiates capital expenditure from revenue expenditure

Capital expenditure is spending from your savings (eg buying a house), Revenue expenditure is spending from your wages (eg buying a beer).

What is a 6 letter word for The capacity for doing work

It should be 'ENERGY". In science, that matches the definition for energy.

What word means the ability to think of creative ways to do new things

The words innovative and imanginative mean the ability to think of creative ways to do new things.

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