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Leta Davis

Lvl 10
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What is PPM in full

PPM = Parts Per Million.

1 ppm = 0.0001%

What does chromatagraphy mean

It is the technique used for separation of those solutes that dissolve in the same solvent.

Which of the following would make a solution

sugar in water

What characterizes a crystalline solid when it breaks

The break follows the crystal structure.

What two factors determine the point at which a liquid will boil

Heat or energy applied and atmosphereic pressures

Pressure and temperature (apex)

Which of the following best describes the kinetic theory

Atoms and molecules are always moving or vibrating.

According to the ideal gas law what happens to the volume of a gas when the number of moles doubles

The volumes doubles

What substances would be good electrical conductor

Examples: silver, gold, copper, aluminium.

What best summarizes the ideal gas law apex


What would cause a balloon to expand if taken to the top a mountain

Lowered Pressure

What is molality of a solution

It is the number of moles of solute in 1 kg of solvent.

Using the phase diagram for CO2, what phase is carbon dioxide in at 12 atm pressure and -40 C apex


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