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Cortney Runolfsdotti...

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Cards in this guide (15)
What does Rama give to Sugriva in order to tell him apart from his brother Bali

A necklace made of flowers

What does Sugriva ask of Rama

To defeat his brother

What can the study of an author's culture help the reader to better understand about the story

The underlying values and beliefs of the characters APEX

How is Bali ultimately defeated

Rama killed him with an arrow

What is the outcome of the second fight between Sugriva and Bali

bali is killed by golden arrow shot by rama

Why does Rama shoot his arrow through seven Sala trees

To show sugriva that he is a great warrior.

Which character from the Ramayana formed an army of monkeys in order to kill Ravana


How does Rama show sugriva that he is a great warrior

He pierces 7 trees with 1 arrow

What is one example of a story's cultural context

The characters religion

Which country was most culturally influenced by the books of the Ramayana

India. Apex

Why does Rama put flowers around Sugriva neck

to tell him apart from bali

Cultural context would be especially important for a reader trying to understand

The values of people in the story.

What does medium of an artistic work describes


In the night funeral in Harlem how did people show they cared for the dead boy

helping pay for the funnel

which word refers to the medium of a story

its comic book

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15 cards

What does Rama give to Sugriva in order to tell him apart from his brother Bali

What does Sugriva ask of Rama

What can the study of an author's culture help the reader to better understand about the story

How is Bali ultimately defeated

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13 cards

What does Rama give to Sugriva in order to tell him apart from his brother Bali

What does Sugriva ask of Rama

How is Bali ultimately defeated

What is the outcome of the second fight between Sugriva and Bali

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13 cards

What does Rama give to Sugriva in order to tell him apart from his brother Bali

What does Sugriva ask of Rama

How is Bali ultimately defeated

What is the outcome of the second fight between Sugriva and Bali

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13 cards

What does Rama give to Sugriva in order to tell him apart from his brother Bali

What does Sugriva ask of Rama

How is Bali ultimately defeated

What is the outcome of the second fight between Sugriva and Bali

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No Reviews


13 cards

What does Rama give to Sugriva in order to tell him apart from his brother Bali

What does Sugriva ask of Rama

How is Bali ultimately defeated

Why does Rama shoot his arrow through seven Sala trees

See all cards
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