

The Tempest

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Adah Johnson

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Which event in the play best parallels the practices of colonization

Prospero uses Ariel for his magical abilities, which are a part of the island's resources

Prospero arrives on the island and kills Sycorax, a witch who opposes him.

What effect did ngugi wa thiong'o's imprisonment have on him artistically

He began to write exclusively in his native language, Gikuyu.

How does Caliban show that he is more intelligent than Stephano and Trinculo

He realizes that freedom from prospero is more important than clothing or wine

How is calibans idea that stephano should king an example of faulty thinking

Because Caliban thinks possession of good wine will make a good king. Apex.

How do Stephano and Trinculo show that they are less intelligent than Caliban

They are distracted by the fancy clothing.

Which statement best reflects the impact of forcing colonized people to speak the colonizers' language

Colonized people experience a loss of their culture, including their traditions, stories, and beliefs.

Which of the following is the best example of using language to empower someone

"A teacher travels into rural parts of South America to teach oppressed people literacy."

Which option best describes meter

Answer this question…

da-da-DUM, da-da-DUM

Which event is an example of the effects of colonialism on a colonized people

Landowners are forced to give up ownership of their land or be killed.

What statement best explains the difference between the Balinese production's interpretation of the tempest and the Utah valley university production's interpretation

The Balinese production has a magical and mystical tone, while the tone of the Utah Valley University production is more menacing.

The Balinese production used a shadow screen as a stage, while the Utah Valley University production used a traditional stage and actors.

In the Epilogue how does Prospero expect to gain his freedom from magic

Answer this question… With the applause of the audience

Based on what you read in Tongue-Tied in what way did Kingston's parents most likely experience language exclusion at their children's school

Parent conferences were held in English

What is major difference in the way that caliban and Ariel are treated

Caliban is kept in control by physical torture while Ariel is kept in control by mind munipulation

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How do Stephano and Trinculo show that they are less intelligent than Caliban

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Which event in the play best parallels the practices of colonization

What effect did ngugi wa thiong'o's imprisonment have on him artistically

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The Tempest

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Which event in the play best parallels the practices of colonization

What effect did ngugi wa thiong'o's imprisonment have on him artistically

How do Stephano and Trinculo show that they are less intelligent than Caliban

Which line from The Tempest is written in iambic pentameter

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The Tempest

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How does Caliban show that he is more intelligent than Stephano and Trinculo

How is calibans idea that stephano should king an example of faulty thinking

What does Ariel do that causes fear in the hearts of Stephano and Trinculo

How do Stephano and Trinculo show that they are less intelligent than Caliban

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