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Ramiro Brekke

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Cards in this guide (19)
What part of speech is spurn

Spurn is a verb.

Which part of the original work should an adaptation retain

overall theme

What do the events in Act IV foreshadow

Macbeth's downfall

What word could best replace thee word troublesome without changing the overall meaning of the passage


Which event is an example of irony in Macbeth

Macbeth has been crowned king- a glorious position- but he feels empty and worthless because of his actions. -apex

Which character is the best example of a tragic hero

a young men tries to go home to his wife and family after a long war b

Malcolm and Donalbain are suspected of which crime

killing king duncan (:

Which event in Macbeth happens first

Lady Macbeth talks Macbeth into killing Duncan ( apex ) just took the quiz

What type of logical fallacy is this statement an example of


The construction of the Glen Canyon Dam formed which body of water

Lake Powell

Which excerpt from The Damnation of a Canyon is an example of an ad hominem fallacy

This argument appeals to the wheelchair ethos of the wealthy, upper-middle-class American slob.

These definitions for stagnant appear in the dictionary. Which one best fits the context of the passage

Lacking development or progressive movement

Based on this dictionary definition which sentence correctly uses the word balm

(Apex) Spending the day at the beach reading a good book can be a balm for a troubled heart.

What evidence from the text supports the idea that Macbeth has decided to stop being indecisive and will take action

the flighty purpose never is o'ertook/ unless the deed go with it

In this scene what does Macbeth resolve to do in the future

stop being so indecisive and take immediate action.

What do these words tell us about Macbeth's state of mind on the eve of battle

he is prepared to die and regrets that he will not grow old gracefully.

Which work is the best example of an adaptation

(Apex Learning) A musical based on a book about a popular band.

Which excerpt shows the clearest example of ethos from the damnation of a canyon

Anyone who has tried to pilot a motorboat through a raft of half-sunken logs, and bloated dead cows will have his own thoughts on the accessibility of these waters.


Why do Malcolm Donalbain feel they need to leave Scotland

Apex 1.2.7 Quiz) They fear they will be murdered.

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