

The Great Gatsby

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Stefanie Raynor

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2y ago
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What is another name for the roaring twenties

jazz age

What is a major difference between the personalities of Cash and Anse according to the way Faulkner writes about each character

Cash thinks clearly, but Anse's thoughts do not make sense.

When Daisy tells Gatsby You Always Look so cool what does she reveal to tom

That she loves Gatsby

What is an aesthetic impact

The emotional or sensory effect of a work

What is Cash building in As I Lay Dying

Addie's coffin

Which symbol in the novel The Great Gatsby

A green light

What qualities are shared by most of the creative expression that came out of the Harlem Renaissance

A sense of pride and determination

Who was the Lost Generation mostly made up of

Soldiers who came of age during World War 1 (apex)

In as I lay dying What was anse hoping to get fixed someday

his teeth

Which scenario is the best example of a paradox

A rich girl has everything she could ever want and is very unhappy.

Which aspect of anses narration from as i lay dying most clearly makes him an unreliable narrator

his insistence that the road brings bad luck

In as I lay dying what is anse most preoccupied with


What item most likely symbolizes a new idea

a lightbulb-apex

Which part of the American Dream is challenged in The Great Gatsby

Answer this question… Happiness comes from financial success

Which of these words best describes the pacing of Faulkner's speech in the audio recording of his Nobel Prize address


In The Great Gatsby, which of these best explains why Daisy represents a paradox

She is very unhappy even though she is wealthy and privileged. (apex)

When was the Jazz Age

After world war l

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What is a major difference between the personalities of Cash and Anse according to the way Faulkner writes about each character

What is an aesthetic impact

What is Cash building in As I Lay Dying

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What is another name for the roaring twenties

What is a major difference between the personalities of Cash and Anse according to the way Faulkner writes about each character

What is an aesthetic impact

What is Cash building in As I Lay Dying

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What is a major difference between the personalities of Cash and Anse according to the way Faulkner writes about each character

What is an aesthetic impact

What is Cash building in As I Lay Dying

Which symbol in the novel The Great Gatsby

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Modernist writers of fiction tended to prefer what kind of characterization

In what way does the character of Gatsby most fulfill the definition of paradox

What is a major difference between the personalities of Cash and Anse according to the way Faulkner writes about each character

What is Cash building in As I Lay Dying

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Modernist writers of fiction tended to prefer what kind of characterization

In what way does the character of Gatsby most fulfill the definition of paradox

What is a major difference between the personalities of Cash and Anse according to the way Faulkner writes about each character

What is Cash building in As I Lay Dying

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