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Kaitlyn Anderson

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2y ago
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Which is a way that society controls science

One way that society controls science is that the government can make certain experiments illegal.

people pass laws to restrict some research

What will most likely happen to this ecosystem if the swordfish are killed by a virus

The octopus and shark populations will decline.

Which structure is most likely used for hunting


Which promotes a more sustainable of resources

decrease overconsumption

Which is true about unipotent stem cells

They can only produce cells that are like themselves.

What part of cellular respiration must occur before any other step can occur

Glycolisis is the first step.It is common to aerobic and anerobic respiration.

Which substance acts acts as a buffer in natural water

minerals and salts (apex)

which promotes a more sustainable use of resources

decreasing overconsumption. apex

which is a result of a seasonal change (meaning a change that happens over and over at a certain time of the year)

frogs digging into mud to hibernate in the winter. apex

Which activity is most likely a result of a sudden, unexpected change in the environment

The extinction of a type of shrimp

What will most likely happen if the plankton population decreases in this ocean system


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Which is a way that society controls science

What will most likely happen to this ecosystem if the swordfish are killed by a virus

Which structure is most likely used for hunting

Which promotes a more sustainable of resources

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Where is a macromolecule located in the body

What is the carrying capacity of the enviorment for a particular species

Which is a way that society controls science

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Which is a way that society controls science

What will most likely happen to this ecosystem if the swordfish are killed by a virus

How do you know the molecule below is a saturated fat

Which of the following kingdoms was not located in West Africa - Songhai Axum Benin

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11 cards

Which is a way that society controls science

What will most likely happen to this ecosystem if the swordfish are killed by a virus

How do you know the molecule below is a saturated fat

Which of the following kingdoms was not located in West Africa - Songhai Axum Benin

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What is the carrying capacity of the enviorment for a particular species

Why is biomass a better alternative to natural gas

Which is a way that society controls science

Which energy source contributes the most to climate change

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