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Sounds like an infection and not pregnancy. Sore throats are not usually a symptom of pregnancy. Go to the doctor.

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Q: At 2.5 weeks sore throat sore bloated abdomen pregnancy?
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What are the symptoms of 2 weeks pregnancy?

You'll be bloated is all.

4 weeks pregnant feel bloated?

I am 4 weeks pregnant and feel a little heavy in the lower abdomen, but feel huge and bloated after i eat. Right after my period was due my boobs started to kill me and starting to pee alot.

What is fluttering in lower abdomen during pregnancy 20 weeks?

That is your baby moving

Can i feel bloated if pregnant?

Hi, Your question is: Can you be pregnant if you feel bloated right behind your belly button? This isn't a pregnancy symptom. Bloatedness can be caused by many things including pregnancy, constipation and diahrrea. If you suspect pregnancy, perform a test in 2-3 weeks.

Is stomach gas a symptom of early pregnancy?

Yes not extremely early but after a few weeks most women are more bloated and gassy

How does a women look 2 weeks into pregnancy?

She doesn't look any different. She might be a little bit bloated, but it's probably not noticeable

How do you use the word bloated in a sentence?

She felt bloated today.The bloated body had been in the water for weeks.

You are 5 weeks pregnant and very bloated is that normal?

Bloating during pregnancy is VERY normal. I am 16 weeks pregnant now and some days I still have extreme bloating. Even when I was only 6 or 7 weeks pregnant, I looked much more than that because I was so bloated. It does get better though the further along you get.

How does your stomach feel early in pregnancy?

You will normally feel very exhausted , feeling tight in your lower abdomen and notice the tightness when bending down, Youl will look bloated probably by 5 weeks. Your breasts will feel tender at times painful.

Does feeling bloated decrease in pregnancy?

Everyone is different when it comes to symptoms, bloating included. For me, I was bloated pretty much all of my first trimester, but around 15-16 weeks it started to get better. Depending on the person, their diet, and lifestyle, they might start to feel relief sooner or later than I did.

Bloated hard lower stomach for 3 weeks what could it be?

And i took 3 pregnancy test and came out neg.NO period juss spoting for two days juss enough to show up when i wiped.

Can you feel your baby's body from the outside if you push hard on your abdomen during 4th month of pregnancy?

No you cannot as your baby is protected by a sac which is full of fluid. This protects your baby from harm during your pregnancy. However you may be able to feel a hardness in the lower part of your abdomen but this is the uterus itself. At 16 weeks your baby is no bigger than a stick of butter, also it is not wise to push hard on your abdomen when you are pregnant.