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No but they will make his bread rise

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uti infection complication is sterile

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Q: Will male yeast infections make him sterile?
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Can men catch yeast infections?

Yes, they can catch it from their female partner. If she has a yeast infection (is unaware of it at the beginning stages) men especially who have not been circumscised are more apt to pick up infections very easily. Men who are not circumscised must be sure they pull back the foreskin and gently clean this area every day. Men who are circumscised can still be get yeast infections from their partner. Marcy

How can you clear up a male yeast infection is it diet?

With anti-fungal medication. Since a male yeast infection is external, you will probably need to see a doctor for the proper anti-fungal medication, since the over-the-counter medication sold for women's yeast infections comes formulated to insert internally (into the vagina). When you have a yeast infection, it is best to avoid foods that contain yeasts, such as breads, pizza crusts, cakes, and basically all baked goods. Also, avoid yogurt, and any other food which contains yeast - simply read the list of ingedients on the package of food to find out. Once the yeast infection is completely gone, it should be safe to eat foods containing yeast again. Yeast infections are most commonly caused by the use of antibiotics, because antibiotics kill ALL the bacteria in your body, including the "good" bacteria which helps keep things like fungal infections (yeast infections) and other imbalances from occurring. In fact, if you do not have a yeast infection and must take a course of antibiotics, it is a good idea to eat a very small amount of yogurt per day of antibiotic treatment in order to prevent a yeast infection from occurring.

Male yeast infection can he give it to a women?

Yes, a male can give a yeast infection to a woman.

What is a impotent male called?

Another word for an impotent male would be sterile.

A mule is not sterile?

A male mule is always sterile, however , rarely, a female mule will be able to reproduce.

Can hand sanitizer make a male sterile?

From what I've heard and from what has been been said recently, there is an ingredient in hand sanitizer that makes males sterile. Hand sanitizer is known to kill bacteria but what is in the sanitizer gets absorbed into the body, which is what causes men to become sterile.

Can you give your husband a yeast infection?

No,I dont think it is possible.Certain infections such as yeast only cling to females. It is possible if the male has compromised skin intergity. For example, an abrasion caused by too much friction. The treatment options are the same as with females (i.e., topical antifungal).

What is the genetic way of controlling mosquito?

The genetic method involve the release of sterile male mosquitoes into the environmet. When the sterile male mosquito mates with a normal female mosquito, the latter does not lay any eggs. If enough sterile male mosquitoes are released into the environment, the mosquito population will eventually die out.

Where can you sell your male calico?

While a male calico is rare, it can occur, however they are aways sterile.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a yeast infection?

Yeast infections are common and passes by itself within 2 weeks or you can get the over the counter medicine.Additional information:How_do_you_cure_yeast_infection_at_home

Does doxycycline cure a yeast infection in female?

One of the side effects of Doxycycline is that it will possible provoke a yeast infection, rather than cure it. In fact, it's one of the main causes of Male yeast infections. There are other things that can provoke a male yeast infection as well, such as Diabetes, HIV, and Nonoxynol-9 [Found in Trojan Condom Lubricant.] Either way, there are cures to male yeast infections. Before taking any drugs, it's recommended that an individual who thinks they have a yeast infection to see a doctor immediately, especially if they have never had one before. There are two main types of prescription drugs you can use to cure a yeast infection. The first one is fluconazole, which can be used to kill other fungi, as well at the Candida yeast infection. Fluconazole is more commonly known by the brand name Diflucan. Beware though, allergies to fluconazole are not uncommon. The second prescription drug that can be taken is ketoconazole, which kills every fungus. There is a drawback to using ketoconazole, because it is not good for your liver. There is also a slight chance that it may reduce the amount of testosterone you produce. Ketoconazole is more commonly known as Nizoral, which can be prescribed by any doctor. While male yeast infections can cause unbearable symptoms [itching of the head, soreness, discharge, smell] it will not do any serious damage. It is a good idea, though, to get it checked out. Sometimes these symptoms are caused by other diseases, such as HIV.

Is a male with XXY chromosome combination a normal male or sterile male?

The principal effects are development of small testicles and reduced fertility.