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Q: Can damaged cerebellum cause non epileptic attack disorder?
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What kind of attack do you have if your eyes roll in the back of the head?

You have suffered from a epileptic attack.

Does multiple sclerosis usually attack the cerebellum?

Type your answer here... yes

What are causes of eyes darting back and forth?

It is caused when one has a epileptic attack , a serious case.

What two ships that were significantly damaged during the attack?

Specify the attack.

Give me some advice on how anti-epileptic drugs affect someone's sport or fitness ability?

Epileptic drugs are strong , so the patient should not go for swimming, cycling and rock climbing as a attack can come anytime.

What is a disorder of the blood pump?

its a heart attack

When did Katherine Cecil Thurston die?

Katherine Cecil Thurston died on September 5, 1911, in Cork, Ireland of epileptic attack.

What is a bipolar attack?

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder which causes unusual and dramatic shifts in a persons behavior. A bipolar attack is a period of time in which the symptoms are most unmanageable.

How do you use convulsion in a sentence?

i had a convulsion when he hit me over the head.

What was not damaged in the attack on peral harbor?

At the time of the Attack the US Navy Aircraft Carriers were out to sea and were not in port.

Is a panic attack a mental disorder?

Yes, it's a manifestation of a panic disorder which is a category of anxiety disorders. They fall within the broader mental disorder category.

Which site has panic disorder prevention? has a great selection on panic disorder information. Articles range from how to realize you are having a panic attack to how to stay calm and collected during a panic attack until it passes.