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Depends. Why aren't you having periods?

A period is not necessary for pregnancy. Some women are "constantly" pregnant; that is they get pregnant after each birth before they have a period.

(Each period is the result of not getting pregnant.)

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It can and it cant really. If your period is late then it can mean a pregnancy or it could be a health prolem. Best thing to do is take a pregnancy test and if its negative then go see your doctor

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Q: Can get pregnant if I'm not having periods?
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sorry does mean you are pregnant go to a doctors ... do u wnt abortion or keep ??

Can you get pregnant when you aren't having a period haven't had one since March 2007 over a year ago but want to start trying?

If aren't having any periods you probably can't get pregnant. If you're having irregular periods you can get pregnant, but the chance is lower.

I'm pregnant and still having periods is that possible?

It is uncommon, but possible.

How can i sure that I'm pregnant?

If you stop having your periods is the #1 given