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Humphrey 11 does not induce abortion/miscarriage. What it does is making the cervix soft. That is how it's used to get your period back. When having a medical abortion with RU486 you first are given a pill to loosen the fetus from the uterus wall. Then the next day you get one to start the cramps so the fetus come out. So to use Humphrey it can not be used after the embryo is already attached to the wall. You can get hurt and so can the fetus be if you use it too late. And with hurting the fetus I mean causing damage without aborting. If I'm not mistaken that is illegal. Also it is a very uncertain method that can not be recommended. To get a safe abortion you need to go to a clinic and have it safely done by medical professionals.

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You can not abort using Humphrey11.

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Q: What are the consequences of taking the humphery-11 pill for a miscarriage?
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