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No it doesn't make you late and its nothing to worry about!But if you are late on your period or have irregular bleeding its probably best to go and see your GP.

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Q: Can light spotting a week after your period make you miss your next one or make you late?
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I have the flu and I am due to start my period. I went to the toilet and noticed very light pink spotting but no period is this normal?

It is normal. Flu can make you skip a period or make it late. There might be a possibility that you are pregnant as well?

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After taking the morning after pill, you may have spotting for any number of days, possibly until your next normal period. Your next period should come a week early, a week late, or right on time. If your period is more than a week late, take a pregnancy test to see if emergency contraception worked. Spotting or lack of spotting is not a sign that the morning after pills is working or not. If you have prolonged spotting, abdominal pain, pain with urination or sex, unusual vaginal discharge, or fever, contact your health care provider.

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Ive had all the symptoms of pregnancy but i am spotting like a normal very light period which is abnormal for me should i still take a pregnancy test?

It is still possible to be pregnant and have spotting. You should take a pregnancy test to make sure.

Can you have a light late period even if your pregnant?

Yes, but I'd see your doctor to make sure there is nothing wrong.

Can I be pregnant if I've only had my period for two days and the period was very light?

yes ! i could have been spotting always make sure you use condoms ! when the sprem and the egg meet together the body bleeds because of plantion .

How can you be pregnant to be on your period?

Some people experience bleeding or spotting during pregnancy that can make them think they're having a period.

I haven't started my period but i spotted blood will i start soon?

Spotting can be a sign a period is about to start. If you skip more than one period and only see spotting, see a doctor to make sure you are not pregnant or have a health issue that needs attention.

Period has not came but spotting in an off for a week?

You should get a pregnancy test just to make sure

Could having diarrhea make your period come late?

Yes, it could do. Any illness can make your period late or not come at all

Brown spotting and 16 days away from period?

its probaly discharge make sure you use pads

When will you get your period after brown stuff?

The brown stuff is spotting, small amounts of blood mixing with discharge, the blood turns brown when it's come in contact with air or as a result of the blood taking some time to leave the body. You can spot for a lot of reasons including ovulation (which will occur two weeks before menstruation), hormonal changes, or it can occur before your period - sometimes that spotting can be your period, if your period is very light. Without knowing your cycles better there is no way of knowing what this spotting is caused by to know how it could relate to menstruation, so just make sure you're prepared for when your period does start.