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While many women who miscarry will start with only spotting, it is possible that the first sign of miscarriage can be heavy bleeding, possibly with clot or tissue passage.

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Q: Can you bleed a lot at the start of a miscarriage?
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If a girl thinks she had a miscarriage but it wasn't a miscarriage what might it be?

She needs to see a doctor, we can't tell without examen her. If you all of a sudden start to bleed a lot you have to see a doctor. It can be a cyst and she'll be needing treatment.

How long does one bleed after a miscarriage?

It depends on the person I bleed for 5 days after my miscarriage

Do you bleed the baby out when you have a miscarriage?

Yes, you do

How long do you bleed for after miscarriage?

2-4 weeks.

Can you have a miscarriage at 4 months without bleeding?

Yes you can have a miscarriage at any point in pregnancy and not bleed or have any normal signs of miscarriage

If i am Bleeding bright red blood am i having a miscarge?

You bleed A LOT when you have a miscarriage and during your period you also bleed bright red so see a doctor if unsure. Take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after.

How long do you bleed for after a miscarriage?

It can last for 3-4 weeks.

Can a miscarriage be fatal?

In cases where the placenta comes loose and you start to bleed and even pass out or it's very late in the pregnancy, yes it can be fatal due to the bleeding.

How long do you bleed after having a miscarriage at 3 weeks?

yes because you had an accident

What happens if you get your period the next day you miscarriage?

Normal bleed after a miscarriage is 1-2 weeks so it's not your period. You get your period back sometimes within 8 weeks from the miscarriage.

How far into the pregnancy is it termed a miscarriage instead of an irregular bleed?

Once you have a positive diagnosis of pregnancy then losing the pregnancy is considered a miscarriage. ~pawsalmighty

What does it mean when you bleed brown during pregnancy?

i know this is harsh but is; often a sign of a miscarriage