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Yes, especially if you have an H mole where there is high HCG levels.

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False positives are possible.

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Q: Can you get positive urine pregnancy test result even your not pregnant?
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Use home pregnancy test and the result are positive but the blood test result is negative am i pregnant?

i would try another home test to be sure. the hormones that are used to identify pregnancy can be found sooner in the blood than in the urine.

Are you pregnant if a home pregnancy test came back positive and a laboratory urine test was inconclusive and why would they be different?

Hello there. Yes you may very well be pregnant. A pregnancy test will only turn positive once HCG has been found in your urine. BUT there needs to be ENOUGH HCG in your urine to make a positive test result. Depending on the pregnancy test, they usually look for 5MIU - 50MIU. If you had 49MIU of HCG in your urine and did a test that looks for 50MIU it would be negative. The same thing applies to the Labatory urine pregnancy test. When they did the test you probably didn't have enough HCG in your urine to give you a positive. You need to have a blood test. Urine tests are NOT reliable and give negative results when women are indeed pregnant. See your doctor for a Quantitative Beta HCG pregnancy test. Good luck.

How do you fake digital pregnancy test to be positive?

Use the urine of a pregnant person (not your own) - BUT - why would you want to do this.

Can certain illnesses give you a positive pregnancy test result if you aren't pregnant?

I am assuming you are referring to a urine pregnancy test which tests for Beta hCG. There are also blood tests, which are more specific, for pregnancy. The urine beta hCG test may be positive for other reasons than pregnancy. Certain cancers of the testicles and the ovary are diseases that can provide a positive pregnancy test. Also, a lot of blood or protein in the urine can give a false positive on a pregnancy test. There are also some medications that have been reported to cause false positives such as some anti-convulsants and anti-parkinson medications. Overall, though, the urine pregnancy test is very accurate. Any female who tests positive on a urine pregnancy test should arrange for an appointment to see a physician for follow-up.

What is weakly positive in pregnancy urine test?

It means that there is a trace amout of the pregnancy hormone in your urine and you are in fact pregnant. There are, in a few cases, what is called a chemical pregnancy where you will produce the hormone from a fertilized egg that never implants and doesn't actully lead to conception, but still reads as a positive due to trace hGc in your urine stream. It is still however a positive and you should make a call to your OBGYN.

Is it possible to be 10 weeks pregnant and get a negative urine test if you do?

Some women do not get a positive pregnancy test will late in their pregnancy , if even. A blood pregnancy test is the best way to go.

Is bubbles in urine a sign of pregnancy?

The foam in your urine does not mean you are pregnant. Men's urine will foam also. If you think you are pregnant, A pregnancy test would be more accurate.

Is bubbles in your urine a sign of pregnancy?

The foam in your urine does not mean you are pregnant. Men's urine will foam also. If you think you are pregnant, A pregnancy test would be more accurate.

Does progesterone suppositories give you false results on a urine pregnancy test?

yes it affect bu afulse positive result

Can the menopause affect a pregnancy test?

Menopause is a completely different hormone compared to the pregnancy hormone. You wont get a positive on a pregnancy test during the menopause. The only time your get a positive is when HCG is in your urine and your pregnant. Menopause is not a hormone. Better literacy ("you will get a positive," instead of "your get a positive," "won't, instead of "wont," and "you're pregnant," not "your pregnant") as well as a citation to some medical authority would also help to improve this answer.

Can you not be pregnant and have a positive test?

Yes. If you have H-mole. In your urine there will be high concentrations of hcg about millions then the pregnancy test will be positive . There is rapid enlargement of the abdo men but no HR can be detected.

I am one and a half weeks late for my period and can I be pregnant and not know having taken 2 tests with one positive and one negative?

Hi there. Yes it does indeed sound like you are pregnant. You most likely got the negative pregnancy test because you did the test when there wasn't a sufficent amount of HCG in your urine or because you used a different brand of test which isn't very reliable. You need to see your doctor sweetheart for a blood test to confirm the pregnancy. You will ONLY get a positive test when HCG has been detected in your urine and HCG is only produced during pregnancy. See your doctor for a QUANTITATIVE BETA HCG blood test. This will confirm the pregnancy. Best Wishes.