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What do you mean by "under age?" If you have gotten your period and all of that development inside your body had started then yes, you can get pregnant.

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Q: Can you get pregnant if your under age?
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Can you get pregnant under the age of 18 if you sleep with a boy who is small to you?

If he ejaculates into your vagina then you can get pregnant. Size and age don't really matter.

What is a girl pregnant under 18?

that makes no sense! if you are asking can a girl be pregnant under 18 and the answer is yes! my friend had a baby at the age of 13.

What happens when your under age and pregnant?

Well, the guy that got you pregnant, and you will have to go to jail and you will have to quit school!

What percentage of girls are under 18 and pregnant?

72.3% of woman are under age and pregnant most finding it hard to work and also care for the child

If you are pregnant and under the age of 18 are you legally emancipated from your parents?

No, if you are pregnant and under the age of 18 you are not leagally emancipated from your parents at all until you are 18 then you can be on your own. Just because you have a baby doesn't mean your an adult.

What happens if you get an under age girl pregnant?

well if u get a girl pregnant(i can't spell pregnant) u have a chance of going to jail if u are under 18 even if u'r parents allow u to have sex.

How old are you allowed to get pregnant?

you're 'allowed' to get pregnant at any age (if you're under 18 and the guy is over, that's when it's illegal)

If a girl under the age of eighteen was pregnant in North Carolina could she get emancipated without her parents comsent?

In North Carolina, a minor who is pregnant does not automatically qualify for emancipation. Emancipation generally requires a court order, which may or may not be granted depending on the specific circumstances and the best interests of the minor. Consent from parents or guardians is typically needed for emancipation, but in some cases, a court may grant emancipation without parental consent. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional for guidance in this situation.

In KY if you are pregnant unmarried but living with the father and trying to get medicaid do you have to include fathers income in the household income?

If the pregnant person is under age 18, yes.

If you are pregnant under the age of sixteen can you get married if you have parent consent?

It will depend on the state in question. In some states in addition to parental consent a court order is required for someone under 16 years of age.

Can you move out if you are pregnant and under the age of majority in Kansas?

Being pregnant does not make you an adult. You are still the responsibility of your parents. You may be able to move out, but only if your parents allow it.

If a girl is under the age of eighteen and pregnant can she move out of her parents home too stay with another family?

yes she can