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The early symptoms of pregnancy are very similar to starting your period - except your period doesn't actually start. So if you've got pain, are more emotional than usual, or have really tender breasts and your 3/4 weeks pregnant (or 5/6 weeks since your last period), then the only way to know for sure is by doing a pregnancy test.


Go to the doctor for a blood test and pelvic exam . No heavy lifting , stretching or vigorous sex til you are tested and examined. Better safe than sorry.

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15y ago

no you are not on your period when you get pregnant

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Q: Can you have a period while 3 weeks prego?
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almost 3 weeks. most prego tests say it will show positive 19 days afer conception. hope this helps

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Usually 3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days.

What is a pigs gestational period?

A pig's gestation period is 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days, or approximately 114 days.

What is the period of 3 to 6 weeks after childbirth called?

The term describing the six weeks after a woman has given birth is the postpartum period.

Can you get prego 3 weeks after child birth?

Yes. You are very fertile for about 6 months after pregnancy so if you are not trying to get pregnant again it is very important to use protection when having sex