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No, I didn't hear my babies heartbeat until I was about 14 weeks. It also depends on how much belly fat you have. I had some belly fat so maybe that's why it was a little longer for me. Don't worry everything will be fine.

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14y ago

you should be able to....I heard mine on ultrasound at 7 weeks, then at 9 weeks and again last week at 10 weeks! Maybe the person giving you the ultrasound was not experienced enough to do it!

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13y ago

Nothing is wrong because it doesnt have a heartbeat yet

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Q: Why I can't hear my baby heartbeat at 11 weeks pregnant with an ultrasound?
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If you are three weeks pregnant with twins but the doctor saw only one heartbeat on the ultrasound and your hcg was 3045 will the other baby develop a heartbeat eventually?

Three weeks pregnant is a week before you miss a period so it is impossible to know it is twins. If you are three weeks after conception, (5 weeks pregnant)it is still early to see a heartbeat.

How do you know if your mum is pregnant?

When there is no menstruation,pregnancy test comes out positive,baby in the ultrasound and heartbeat of the baby.

How long before a doctor can see a baby in an ultrasound?

ABout 5 to 6 Weeks, not much there to see really. They are tiny tiny then. God bless

If i Am 19 weeks pregnant and baby's heart rate is 140 what is the sex?

Oh you can't tell it that way. You need to do a ultrasound for that so they can see. You can't just truest the heartbeat.

When can you see babys heartbeat?

At 8 weeks I heard my baby's heartbeat..., but at 14 1/2 wks I saw it on an ultrasound. :) Hope this helps!

Is it possible for a baby to be undetected by ultrasound at 17 weeks?

If the doctor is blind and deaf. You can even hear the heartbeat at that stage.

Can a doctor hear a baby's pulse but not it's heartbeat?

The doctor should be able to hear the babies heart beat with a Doppler after about 16 weeks. If you are more than 16 to 20 weeks pregnant and the doctor can not hear a heart beat then you need an ultrasound to make sure the baby is ok.

Can i be pregnant and a ultrasound not detect it?

yes, i had a doctor tell me that an ultrasound will not show a pregnancy until 5 weeks. that is not a fact but just what i was told. when i was pregnant the ultrasound lady had a hard time seeing my baby and i was 5 weeks, i had to go back the next week and she saw the baby perfect.

When exactly does a babys heartbeat start?

The baby's heart starts beating between 5-6 weeks and can be seen on ultrasound.

Can you see the baby's heartbeat in your stomach?

You will never be able to see your baby's heartbeat in your stomach. But at around 6 weeks, you can see it in your womb via ultrasound. Usually over 6 weeks it can be heard through a fetal heart monitor too.

Doctor cannot detect babies heartbeat at 8 weeks?

absolutly! 8 weeks pregnant is still very early to detect a heart beat. I believe when I was pregnant mine was checked at around 10-12 weeks...even then it was hard to find because the fetus is so small. My Dr. also didn't have an ultrasound done she was using a small device called a doppler.

Can a baby be seen on ultrasound at 11 weeks without a heartbeat and be all right?

If the heartbeat is not visible at 11 weeks on an ultrasound, that would be cause for concern. The fetal heart begins beating approx. 22 days after implantation into the uterine lining. An ultrasound done at 6 weeks will confirm a viable pregnancy and you would be able to see the heart beating.