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Q: Do you have to have the procedure done in order to get pregnant again after a miscarriage?
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What is cervical cerclage?

A cervical cerclage is a minor surgical procedure in which the opening to the uterus (the cervix) is stitched closed in order to prevent a miscarriage or premature birth.

How do you tell the difference between a miscarriage and a threatened miscarriage?

A miscarriage means you have definitely lost the baby, there is usually lots of cramping and clots. A threatened miscarriage means just that, you are still pregnant but may miscarry in the future. Any spotting while pregnant can be called a threatened miscarriage and many women go on to have healthy babies. If you still have signs of pregnancy like swollen and sore breasts it is probably just a threatened miscarriage. Most doctors will order an ultrasound scan to tell for sure. I should think that a blood test (Quantitative HCG) would be more reliable than ultrasound. Levels are decreased in the case of miscarriage, threatened &/incomplete abortion, & if the fetus is dead.

Can you have a miscarriage and 3 days later become pregnant again?

All fetus don't turn into a baby, so yes you can have a miscarriage at 3 week. But you should visit a doctor in case you miscarried in order to find the reasons and to make sure that you are physically fit to become pregnant.

How a 8 year old can get pregnant?

She can not unless she has started puberty and then someone would have to rape her in order to get her pregnant. The risk for miscarriage is big since she is not made for being pregnant. Having sex with a child this young is pedophilia and very much illegal since you damage her for life.

How often did Mrs Duggers have to get pregnant in order to have 18 kids?

Michelle Duggar has been pregnant about 17 times. After her first pregnancy, she had a miscarriage, and subsequently had 2 sets of twins. So, for 18 living children, that is at least 17 pregnancies.

Can you get pregnant 9 days after intercorse?

Definitely. But in order to accomplish that, you'll need to have intercourse again.

Are dairy cows always pregnant?

No. There are two or three months of every year they are not pregnant. They have to be let be this way so that they can regenerate their normal estrus cycle in order to be able to breed again. Once they have two or three normal estrus cycles, they are re-bred again.

What the definition of procedure?

order of what you did

What is meant by a procedure?

seris of step taken in a order one by one is called a procedure .

Can an ultrasound at 7 weeks pregnant cause you to cramp and bleed?

It could be a miscarriage, although bleeding shouldn't be of concern if the fetus is properly developing. I suggest you go see your ob-gyn for another ultrasound in order to find out if the bleeding is serious. Ultrasounds don't cause blood or cramps. Take care, T. Hawk

Can Naproxen cause a miscarriage?

Naproxen is very strong for someone who's pregnant to take. Tylenol is what they recommend when pregnant. So consult your doctor if you need something that strong. I don't see how it would make you miscarry though. It thins out the blood so you can bleed more but in order to miscarry you have to take so much you will hurt yourself and get internal bleedingsor a stroke.

What does procedural mean?

Procedure means actions that you record in order. procedure means how you did something in an exact order In computer terminology it can mean a set of programmed instructions that are performed repeatedly, such as a subroutine.