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Alcohol affects all the organ systems of the body. It could affect sterility, and will most certainly affect the ability to get and sustain an erection.

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If you drink to excess it can.

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Q: Does drinking alcohol make you sterile?
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Does Drinking alcohol make you stop growing?

Not physically, but heavy drinking stops emotional growth.

What is the difference between clean and sterile?

Sterile is when you actually have used alcohol on it.

Does drinking alcohol on your period make it worse?

No. It might make your nausea worse or upset your stomach, but it won't make anything bad happen that doesn't already happen when drinking alcohol at other times.

What does drinking do to you as a person?

Drinking alcohol does several things to a person. The alcohol can have dire effects on a persons brains and ability to function. Alcohol can also make some people gain weight.

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No - it's how much you drink, not what kind.

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No coffee doesn't make you sober. It will just make you a hyper drunk. That was an old wives tale.

How can you quit drinking alcohol?

Think of quitting alcohol then make a sure decision to quit and after that don't drink with a commitment.

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When you say "drinking", it carries the connotation of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol to excess, and becoming addicted to it.

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Does drinking alcohol make ringworm worse?

it doesn't do a whole lotta good.

What is the difference between drinking wine and other beverages with alcohol?

First, wine is alcohol. So drinking alcohol is no different than drinking wine.