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I get clear strechy discharge and quite alot of it and pressure pain when ovulating

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Q: Does every woman get discharge when ovulating?
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I have the clear egg white discharge with a very thin amount of blood streak am i ovulating?

Yes. You are ovulating, my dear. Enjoy the life as a woman. (:

White milky discharge?


What causes a woman to suddenly stop ovulating?

when you are ovulating is there an odor?

How do you know when you ovalate?

You will have discharge and you can check with a thermometer, it is warmer when ovulating

When your ovulating is your discharge stringy like?

Yes that's completely normal

What does it milky white watery discharge with an odor means?

You should see your doctor it could be a yeast infection. Its normal for women to have discharge it means you are ovulating. Note: If you have a yeast infection your discharge does not have an odor. Nor would there be an odor when ovulating. If there is an odor it could be bacterial vaginosis or an std

How do you know when you are ovulating without taking an ovulation test?

A woman ovulates half-way through her cycle. For example, if your cycle is every 28 days (meaning if you start your period every 28 days), then two weeks (14 days) after you started your period would be when you are ovulating. If your cycle is 32 days, then you would be ovulating 16 days after you began your period. You may also experience mild cramping (sort of like the ending of your period) and a discharge with no odor, which is normal. Some women tend to have a higher and longer sex drive around the ovulating time. Try not to wear a pantyliner since it can increase the possibility of bacteria or yeast infections.

Is a woman ovulating cold or warm?


Can a woman still be ovulating after a miscarriage?


How can a womans body tell her that she is ovulating?

A woman's body can tell her that she is ovulating by releasing a clear or white fluid.

Can females with vaginal discharge get pregnant and deliver normal baby?

Every woman has vaginal discharge. It is mroe noticeable when pregnant. Yes you can have a normal healthy baby when having vaginal discharge.

Can a woman get pregnant after 3 months of pregnancy already?

If a woman is 3 mos pregnant no she will not be ovulating, if the pregnancy was terminated or miscarried yes she would be ovulating again.