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No! It is not a clear indicator at all that you might be pregnant.

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Q: Does watery clear discharge always mean your pregnant?
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Some of the symptoms related to the medical condition called Azoospermia are the inability to get your partner pregnant and clear watery or whitish discharge of the male organ.

Is it normal if im 10 weeks pregnant and you gagged and a watery clear discharge came out you?

It's difficult to say what this could be. I would recommend you call your midwife or local maternity hospital.

What happens when you have clear discharge when you are pregnant?

Clear discharge during pregnancy is very normal and nothing to be alarmed about. If the discharge is excessive, wear a thin panty liner to absorb the discharge.

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If a clear watery discharge seeps out of the opening at the tip of the penis glands.

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You're probably pregnant and you're experiencing implatantion discharge.

Could I be pregnant if I am four days late and have a clear vaginal discharge?


Can clear odorless liquid discharge mean you are pregnant?

No more likely you have a infection.

Is it bad if there is clear discharge from breasts while pregnant?

no you breasts are producing milk for the baby and when you first start to breast feed the clear stuff is good for the baby. you will have milk coming out with the clear discharge.

What does watery discharge during ovulation mean?

It is normal for a woman to have discharge on her breast but it depends on the amount and frequency at which the discharge produced. If at all it soaks your bra then perhaps you might need to check with the doctor and see if it is an infection but if the discharge is clear, it should be normal.

I'm Leaking clear fluid like my water broke but I'm not pregnant?

A woman's body naturally emits discharge to keep the vagina clean. The discharge should be clear.

Is clear discharge a sign of pregnancy?

Clear discharge is a sign of---vaginal health! Discharge is never, ever a reliable sign for pregnancy. The only mostly reliable connection with discharge is to ovulation, when the discharge thickens.

Is it healthy for a 15 year old girl to have clear watery discharge The issue is that it is an extensive amount like it went through my jeans a little?

Some discharge is normal, however if it is extensive amount you should consult a doctor.