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prostatic enlargement with concreation..what is that mean for?.

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Q: Enlarged prostate with hypoechoic nodule and concretions?
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What does a isoechoic nodule with partial hypoechoic halo mean in a thyroid ultrasound?

What is Hypoechoic to Isoechoic Nodule

Is hypoechoic nodule a cancer?

A hypoechoic nodule is not necessarily cancer. A biopsy is done to determine if the nodule is malignant. Bilateral or multiple nodules are more likely to be benign. If the size of the nodule is large and bothersome, it is removed with surgery.

What is a circumscribed nodule in the lung?

A hypoechoic nodule is an area of tissue that is less dense than the surrounding tissue. It is not likely to be cancer if it's circumscribed. Talk with your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

What does a hypoechoic nodule in soft tissues mean?

A thyroid nodule is simply a mass in your thyroid. Hyperechoic is a term used in ultrasound which determines how bright or dark the nodule is. Ultrasound is all black, white, and gray scales, so a hyperechoic nodule would be a mass in the thyroid that is BRIGHTER than the rest of the thyroid tissue.

What is a subcentimeter solid hypoechoic thyroid nodule?

This is an ultrasound report that is saying that the thyroid that was scanned has a solid nodule that is just a little under 1/2 inch in diameter and doesn't show up as well compared to the surrounding tissue..

What are the causes of breast hypoechoic nodules?

A hypoechoic nodule is a fluid-filled or solid mass that causes weak, limited echoes in comparison to the surrounding tissue during an ultrasound or sonogram. It is most frequently detected in the thyroid, and caused by diet-induced iodine deficiency, autoimmune disorders, radiation exposure and genetics.

What is the difference between a goiter and nodule of the thyroid?

A goiter is inflammation of the thyroid gland, also known as the thyroid gland becoming enlarged. Meanwhile, a thyroid nodule is a lump in or on the thyroid gland.

Hypoechoic lesion liver?

A hypoechoic lesion is an abnormal area that can be seen during an ultrasound examination because it is darker than the surrounding tissue. These are dark tissues or structures that reflect relatively few of the ultrasound waves directed at them. Such abnormalities can develop anywhere in the body and do not necessarily indicate cancer. Blood tests, biopsies, and further radiological studies may be required to determine the composition of a hypoechoic lesion, sometimes referred to simply as a lesion.

Why is your thyroid enlarged?

Sometimes the thyroid can become enlarged due to a goiter, a thyroid nodule, or a thyroid adenoma. A goiter is inflammation of the thyroid gland. A thyroid nodule is a lump in or on the thyroid gland. And when there's an overgrowth of normal thyroid tissues, this is commonly referred to as a thyroid adenoma.

What plants does have root nodule?

they have got a root nodule

Why would I need a thyroid biopsy?

The test is generally performed when a lump or a nodule is detected in the thyroid. The test may also be ordered if the thyroid gland is enlarged and the cause is not apparent. The biopsy is usually a test for thyroid cancer.

Who nodule is more dangerous hot nodule or cold nodule?

Only a doctor can order the tests to determine if any thyroid nodule is dangerous. A thyroid uptake scan will help your doctor determine if your thyroid is hot (active) or cold (inactive).