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Hot flashes, nausea, and fainting could be the flu. You will often feel hot, then cold, be very sick to your stomach, and faint because of dehydration.

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9y ago
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12y ago

well you could have the Swine Flu. i saw on the news that's one of the symtomes

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Q: Having Hot flashes nausea and fainting what is it?
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Is hot flashes and nausea normal on birth control pills?

Nausea is common with a lot of women on birth control. As for hot flashes that's not normal something you should probably get checked out by your doctor.

Can i have hot flashes removed from my body?

No, hot flashes can't be removed from the body. You will need to go to your MD to find out why you are having hot flashes.

Can hot flashes make you vomit?

Hot flushes can be associated with nausea, yes. However, it is not the flushing itself which causes the nausea. It is usually the changes in hormones that accompany menopause that cause nausea.

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Because you are having "Hot Flashes"

Have missed 2 periods and having some mini hot flashes could this be the beginning of menopause?

If you missed 2 periods and have been having hot flashes, it could be a sign of menopause. It would be best to see your doctor if you are worried.

What causes hot flashes?

One main reason for hot flashes is menopause. Only a doctor can diagnose the cause of hot flashes.

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Yes hot flashes of the face are a pregnancy symptom, but not a common sympton.

What are synptoms of pregnancy during the first month?

within the first month mostly not a lot of signs, but youll see nausea, hot flashes just very minor things.

Are hot flashes a sign of high blood pressure?

See your doctor if you are concerned about having high blood pressure. In general, hot flashes are not the result of high blood pressure. They could be the result of a hormonal imbalance.

How does Gadolinium make you feel while inside the MRI tube?

usually no symptoms but sometimes you can get dizzy, nausea, feel like you gotta pee-pee or hot flashes. @/0_0\@

Can you get breast pain in perimenapause?

I'm 44 and have been having hot flashes for YEARS. YES I have breast pain!

Why hot flashes at age 80?

Why would I suddenly begin having many hot flashes daily, at age 80? I went through menopause at age 53, lasting a few years. Now what's this??? Is it related to osteoporosis? Thanks.