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By stockpiling up lots and lots of Tamiflu

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Q: How are the government spending there money to cure swine flu?
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Do you think there going to find a cure for Swine Flu?

swine flu is fake. it doesn't excist.

He quit his government job over the Treaty of Versailles and later concluded that government spending can cure recessions Who was this celebrity economist?

Your Answer: John Maynard Keynes Correct

Does Swine Flu cures by itself like a regular flu or needs special tratment?

There is no cure for Swine Flu.

Treatment for swine fluenza?

There are a few antibiotics known to cure swine flu Tony silveti however has been living with swine flu for 12 years

If you et swine flu does your whole family get the cure?

No there isn't really a cure. But everybody will be offered the vaccine.

Is it True or false Swine Flu could be cured?

If you have heard someone declare that it is false, they are wrong and they obviously do not understand the definition of possibility. It is true that there is a possibility for a cure to be developed for the Swine Flu Virus, along with other viruses. But there is no cure as of now.

What actions would a modern Keynesian economist advocate to cure a recessionary gap?

a Keynesian would argue that the essence to solve recession lies with demand management. When an economy is experiencing a boom (inflationary gap), government should tax people, reduce spending ...etc... to soak up the demand. When an economy is experiencing a bust (recessionary gap), government should decrease tax and increase government spending (using money they gained during the boom) to increase the demand of an economy.

When Edward Cullen had the spanish inflienza is that like the Swine Flu and is ti coutagous?

The Spanish Influenza; is a flu in Spain I guess it could be like the Swine Flu... in a way that theree was no cure for the influenza epidemic but no, swine means pigs

Are there any vaccines to cure Swine Flu?

No. There are vaccines for swine flu, but they do not cure it. They prevent it before you get sick from it because the vaccines will make you immune. Once you have it, there is no cure. There are medicines that can make you feel better and there are medicines that will make the symptoms less harsh and the duration shorter, but no cures yet. Get the vaccination if you have not yet when the next flu season is about to start in the fall (in the US).

Is it true that if you tie a monkey to your face itll cure swine flu?

No,for all the youngsters on here that actually will try it if they get it >,>

H1N1 Swine Flu o you believe in this SIMPLE Cure using Azadirachta Indica?

Cure Video 1: and Cure Video 2: So Do you believe in this SIMPLE Cure using Azadirachta Indica?

How is the US Federal Government helping Sub-Saharan Africa with malaria Problems?

The US is spending over $12 billion a year in order to both research for a cure and to spread prevention drugs and mosquito nets.