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To prevent contracting the avian flu, avoid contact with infected birds. If you have normal flu symptoms, eye infections, or respiratory issues, you many have the avian flu.

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Q: How can one contract the avian flu and what are it's symptoms?
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Is bird flu naked or enveloped?

Avian (Bird) Flu is one of the Influenza A viruses. All Influenza A viruses are enveloped.See below for related link to WikiPedia for additional information about the structure of Avian Flu virions.

Can budgies get bird flu if so what does it do?

The chance of a domesticated bird, Parrot, Budgie, etc. getting the Avian Flu is virtually impossible. I have had a cold for the past month of having my two budgies, and I think it might possibly be allergies, but I am not ready to give them up. Since domesticated birds mainly live inside homes, and rarely get close to wild birds, the chance of them getting Avian Flu is so slim that Avian Vets don't even pay attention to it. However there is that small chance, and if you see these symptoms your budgie might have Avian Flu: -Diarrhea -Heavy Breathing -Vomiting -Staying on bottom of cage for prolonged periods of time -Not eating -Sneezing Constantly -Sleeping all the time Avian Flu can also mutate to infect humans, (again the chance is very slim) and here are the symptoms in humans: (Most like cold symptoms) -Headache -Runny Nose -Cough -Sore Throat If you get these symptoms see your doctor. But you don't need to worry one bit. It is almost impossible for your budgie to catch bird flu. So, have fun with your birds and don't worry! If you live in a place that has had an outbreak of Avian Flu in wild birds like Crows and Chickens, you may want to see your doctor.

Does the current Novel H1N1 Swine Flu contain elements of avian flu?

Yes. It does contain genetic material of Avian Flu in addition to three types of swine flu and also human flu viruses. (Avian flu is also called "Bird Flu"). When a virus mutates like this one did in pigs with five different genomes in the virus, it is called a quintuple reassortant (also known as reassortment) virus.The three types of swine flu genetic material in the A-H1N1/09 pandemic flu are American swine flu, Asian swine flu, and European swine flu.

Shared Symptoms: The Flu and the Common Cold?

The flu is a seasonal illness that everyone is at risk for catching. Those that receive a flu shot from their doctor are less likely to contract this untreatable illness, but not immune to it. The flu is, unfortunately, not treatable with antibiotics. Even if you make an appointment to see your doctor regarding your flu symptoms, he will not be able to prescribe anything for you. Your doctor can run tests to determine whether or not you have the flu and he will suggest an over the counter flu medicine that will temporarily reduce your symptoms and provide you with short term relief. Over the counter medicines will not get rid of the flu. If you are unsure whether or not you have the flu or some other type of illness, take into account your symptoms to help you make the determination. Not all flu symptoms are experienced by everyone who contracts this illness. Some people experience every symptom imaginable while others only experience one or two. One of the most significant symptoms of the flu is a fever; running a fever is one of the most obvious symptoms that you have the flu versus the common cold. Since the symptoms of the flu and the common cold are so similar, the fever is one of the easiest ways to differentiate between the two. Along with a potential fever, people suffering from the flu can experience other symptoms that include a runny nose, congestion, a sore throat and chills. Body aches and fatigue will accompany these symptoms. Unlike the common cold, symptoms of the flu are quick to appear. You will wake up one morning feeling horrible with a myriad of symptoms. With the common cold, you will begin experiencing symptoms over several days until one day the culmination of all of your symptoms makes you feel terrible. With the flu, this happens immediately. Fortunately, symptoms of the flu often recede more quickly than those of the flu. If you experience symptoms in addition to regular flu symptoms you should contact your doctor immediately. Many illnesses share the same symptoms and it is always best to practice precaution.

What are the symptoms to cure Asian flu?

"Hong Kong Flu" was a strain of H3N2 influenza virus and was an epidemic in 1968-1969 that was the first known outbreak of H3N2 at the time. It began in Hong Kong but spread internationally and killed approximately 1 million people worldwide. There are still other strains of H3N2 circulating under other names today.Hong Kong Flu is often confused with the current H5N1, Avian "bird" flu, and the symptoms are the same, except Hong Kong flu was much less deadly than Avian flu is in humans.The symptoms of Hong Kong flu were those of most any influenza infection: high fever, joint pain, muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, runny nose, and severe cough. In addition, a common symptom was eye irritation and redness(aka conjunctivitis). The eye irritation symptom is also in common with the Avian flu, and that is partly why they get confused with each other. Also, Hong Kong flu was sometimes spread by birds, as can be the Avian flu, but Hong Kong flu spread very easily and quickly, more like the H1N1/09 swine flu and unlike the Avian flu, which, thankfully (since approximately 50 - 60 % of those infected with "bird flu" die), it did not spread from human to human easily at all.Other strains of H3N2 influenza virus still circulate today, one strain is known as the Fujian Flu from an outbreak in that area more recent than the Hong Kong Flu. It is also known as "Perth-like" flu and many of the seasonal flu vaccines over recent years have included a strain of H3N2 Perth-like virus.The H3N2 Perth-like influenza virus is one of the three types of flu in the vaccines for the 2011-2012 Flu season in the Northern Hemisphere.

Where can one find symptoms of swine flu?

Your best option on finding out more information on symptoms of swine flu would be to visit your local physician or Doctor. If you have access to the internet, visiting a medical website such as WebMD will familiarize you with swine flu symptoms.

What symptoms are indicative of the flu?

The earliest symptoms of the flu, also known as influenza are sneezing and coughing frequently. If someone in your household is also experiencing high temperatures,higher than that of the cold, and has a runny nose, they probably have the flu.

When can adults start to pass the flu virus to others?

One Day Before Symptoms

Are flu symptoms similsar to pregnancy symptoms?

Every woman is different. So are her experiences of pregnancy. Not every woman has the same symptoms or even the same symptoms from one pregnancy to the next.

How can one tell from symptoms whether they have Flu?

To tell the symptoms of the Flu can be really easy and sometimes really hard as they can get mixed up with the common cold, most flu cases are feeling weak, tired and always coughing and sneezing at all times of the day and night.

What are symptoms of the seasonal flu?

Symptoms of the seasonal flu can include some or all of the following: fever, chills, cough, headache, fatigue, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, and nausea and vomiting. When one has the flu, maintaining hydration is extremely important.

What over the counter drugs are available for cold and flu symptoms?

Many individuals suffer from cold and flu symptoms. If one were in search of a medication that could be purchased over the counter for these symptoms there are many to choose from. A few of these include but are not limited to NyQuil, Tylenol and Vicks.