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You do what you need to do and what you want to do. If you are in a bad relationship with someone - (friends, family, lovers) then take a break or get out of it if you can. Sometimes if you end up not caring about you and being selfless and just caring about other people, you forget about yourself and there needs to be a balance in life, with both ways. You could take a vacation and go to a spa or do something you like, and take some time off, and maybe reflect on how you can change your life for the better and meet your emotional needs. Watch a chick flick that makes you cry, if you need a good cry and some time to think, that also works.

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9y ago

This is somewhat of a difficult question because most people have their own social and emotional needs that they want to get met at the same time you do. As you go through life, school, work and as you meet new people and listen to those who can give as well as recieve.

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Q: How do you meet your own emotional needs?
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