Well, your earrings, not being alive, are probably not infected.
Your piercings may be, however.
Pain, redness, warmth and swelling are the classical signs of inflammation. If you have those symptoms, then it's fairly likely you have an infection. You can treat it with an appropriate disinfectant such as hydrogen peroxide; if it's severe, you might want to see a physician.
clean your piercings with soap and water twice a day for the first three days the infection should clear up in 24 to 72 hours. DO NOT remove the earrings. once the infection has cleared up, you can decide if you want to remove the earrings or not
To tell, your ears will be swelling red,hot to touch and you'd earring will be digging in your ear. Also,your ears will be bleeding and puss may come out. If your ears have a bump, don't worry, it's not an infection. It will probably be because that you are allergic to the earrings that you are wearing. If you are still worried, I suggest that you go to a doctor to get your ears checked.
You cannot tell if you run into an infected Pokemon until after you catch it. There is no way to know just by looking at the Pokemon. If it is in your party and heal it, Nurse Joy will tell you that it contracted the 'Pokerus' (the infection). Infected Pokemon will have a 'Pkrs'-labeled purple box next to its image in your party, too.
You simply approach her and tell her. Its nothing to worry about, every girl has chances of getting a yeast infection and it is not necessarily sexual infected. So, don't be scared get help soon before it results into a serious fungal infection.
I have recently stopped wearing earrings regularly and when people squint they can only just see the holes, but my earrings fit anyway.
They look for the bodies antibodies that fight HIV infection to tell if a person is infected with the virus.
You can tell if it is infected by if the bite is very swollen and it hurts really bad but when you pull it off its going to hurt but that doesn't mean its infected. When its 3 days later and its still in bad pain you should see a doctor. quickly!!!!!!!
Infected whiskers can look like pimples, in grown hairs, or inflamed. For bacterial infection antibiotics and changing their bowl they eat out of will help. A vet should be consulted if someone believes that their dog has a infected whisker.
Go to the dentist! You can not run around with a infection in your tooth. If you think you have a infection in your tooth that is enough reson to go to the dentist. They know if a nerve is infected or inflamed. -------- Even if it is inflamed that means that the dental nerve is infected with bacteria, and if left untreated it can lead to gangrene and root treatment. See this video about infection of the dental nerve http://www.checkdent.com/en/videos/tooth-inflammation-159.html
if your tongue has puss and if it is yellow andw white and hurts to even touch it..it could possably be infected but it is one of the worst places to get a infection so go see the doctor asap
You can tell if your earrings have nickel by checking the product description, the packaging label, or contacting the retailer or manufacturer. If you start to experience skin irritation, redness, or itching when wearing the earrings, it may suggest that they contain nickel.
Take your earrings to a local jeweler who can use a probe to confirm that the diamonds are real -- or not.