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Tell her that 80% of people who smoke will die before they are 70.

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Q: How do you tell your mum to stop smoking?
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Related questions

Who smoke more mum or dad?

Theres no difference, but men in the world smoke more than women. If they both are actually smoking, tell them to stop or they'll get cancer.

Should you tell your mum that you smoke if you are underage?

a child should always tell a adult if smoking. it is the right thing to do I'm 13 and used to be smoking and when i finally told my mum she got me help and now I'm smoke free

How do you trick a person to quite smoking?

you cant trick a person to stop smoking you can only tell them what will happen if you keep smoking, or you can show them pictures of what will happen and tell them how you feel about it

How do you stop your mum from smoking?

take away her cigarettes or what ever she smokes and if she asks u say u don't know where it is

How can you stop your vulnerable mum getting married?

Tell her it upsets you and ask her nicely not to do it.

How do you stop my mom smoking?

there are two ways. one way is to clean up her blood and another is start smoking your self and tell her that you will stop when she stops.

How do you get your boyfriend to stop smoking pot?

Tell him you won't kiss him if you smell it anywhere on him and stick to it.

Does Nicotine gum make you addicted to smoking or stop smoking?

stop smoking

How you leave marijuana?

You stop smoking it and stop buying it. Its not very hard to stop.

What should you do if you're boyfriend smokes weed and you don't like it?

tell him you don't like him smoking weed. if he really likes you he will make an effort to stop smoking.

How do you get mum to divorce dad?

Tell your mum how you feel about your dad.

What are the best ways to stop smoking?

The best way to stop smoking from experience is with the filters that have different levels. You put on the first level filter first, and you can't even tell the difference in the amount of nicotine, You will know when you are ready for the next filter by taking off the filter and smoking. You can tell the difference immediately. Then just go tothe next step.