Through their genes - or during pregnancy ! Many diseases can (and usually are) passed down from the mother to the foetus through the umbilical cord.
no it isn't it is genetic, you inherit it
Gaucher disease has a recessive pattern of inheritance, meaning that a person must inherit a copy of the defective gene from both parents in order to have the disease.
if your dad has it
The person is homozygous for the trait
Bad luck?
Huntingtons disease is inherited from your parents
no it isn't it is genetic, you inherit it
Your parents. It is a genetically transmitted disease- you do not catch it, you inherit it from a parent.
This disease does not favour one gender over another.
This is known as a dominant genetic disorder, where a person needs to inherit only one copy of the dominant allele in order to express the associated trait or disease.
Lupus is not hereditary. In order to develop lupus, a person has to inherit just the right combination of quite a few different genes and then be exposed to a trigger. Children of parents with lupus have only a slightly higher chance of developing the disease.
Maybe. Huntington's IS an inherited disease. It is carried on a Dominant gene. That means if one parent has the HD gene, and the other parent does not, then the odds are 50-50 that any one child born to that couple COULD inherit that gene, which will result in their developing HD. However, if you do NOT inherit that gene- it stops there. Unlike some genetic diseases, you cannot be a carrier of HD if you do not have it.