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Bacteria are different from viruses. Viruses are much smaller. Viruses are unique in that they have either DNA or RNA. Hence they are classified as DNA viruses and RNA viruses.

Bacteria can multiply on their own but viruses need a living host.

Bacteria can be killed by antibiotics, but viruses can't. If you isolate a sample of the "substance" and expose it to antibiotics and it dies then you have a bacteria, but if it lives you have a virus. Keep in mind that when isolating yoru sample you must keep it within a living host. If you don't and it is a virus it will die with or without antibiotics. It is not wise to expose your sample to too many tests at one time because you don't have certainty as to which gave you the result.

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14y ago
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14y ago

The difference between a virus and a bacteria is that T-cells attack one of the two and B-cells attack the other. This is a mildly simple portion of a complex answer that has to do with the variable functions of the different cells. If you would like to know more about these complex functions then go to http://www.tbcell324.orgI hope I helped!

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13y ago

A bacterium is a single-celled, often parasitic microorganism without a distinct nucleus or an organized cell structure. It has cytoplasm and a cell wall, but no true nucleus. Various species are responsible for decay, fermentation, nitrogen fixation, and many plant and animal diseases.

Bacteria are classed in a kingdom of their own, prokaryota (although, this kingdom may now be regarded as two separate kingdoms, archaea and bacteria).

A virus is a submicroscopic parasitic particle consisting of a strand of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat (capsid). It does not have cytoplasm or a nucleus and can only replicate within a host cell (has parasitic nature).

Viruses are not considered to be independent living organisms as the only characteristic of life they show is reproduction.

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11y ago

Bacteria are general organisms that are mostly harmful but some variants are actually helpful. Harmful bacteria are usually found in infections or when you have eaten unclean or rotting food.

Viruses however are always harmful and are difficult for the body to fight off. Immunisation can be provided by injecting dead viruses to allow the body to fight them off and make 'antibodies' to fight them off in the future. The real problem with viruses is that they can be quite incorrigible and decide to evolve and therefore their changed form will make antibodies useless against them until new ones are produced.

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9y ago

Viruses and bacteria both cause infections and both are microbes. A virus causes a viral infection and bacteria causes bacterial infections.

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12y ago

virus is smaller than bacteria

bacteria may be useful but virus is fully harmful

bacteria is living but virus is non living

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11y ago

virus and bacreria are both germs but two diffrent categories in medical. bacteria causes for bacterial deases and virus causes viral dieases.

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9y ago

Viruses and bacteria that cause disease are known as pathogens. Some examples are herpes simplex virus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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12y ago

they are both pathogens

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Q: Vwhat is the difference between a virus and a bacteria?
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