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With in 12-24 hours your body knows its pregnant. But you wont know for about 3 weeks.

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Q: How long before your body knows its pregnant?
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You are very unlikely to get pregnant during your period as the ovum (egg) was released two weeks before and will have passed out of the body long before and the lining of the uterus (which the fertilised egg embeds in) is no longer there.

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If a girl is spotting how long pregnant is she?

It's impossible to know based on that. To know how long she is pregnant, she really should see a doctor... which she should be doing on a regular basis anyway if she suspects or knows that she is pregnant.

How long does it take for a girl to know she's pregnant?

it takes a girl until after a missed period and a hpt or a trip to the docter before she knows she is pregnant .. but a missed period is definetely a huge sign .

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The healing process take about 2 months and have your period at least twice before trying again. Let your body heal before you try again.

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hamsters are usually pregnant for about three weeks

If i was taking birth control a year ago can it be hard for me to get pregnant?

As far as i know from my doctor no it is not harder to get pregnant. You should let your body be off the pill/needle for about 3 months before trying to get pregnant from what my doctor told me.

How long does it take before you know that you are pregnant?

2 weeks