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According to the CDC, up to 70%-85% of women have no symptoms of Trich ("Trick"). Trichomoniasis affects both males and females, and both sexes can pass this STD to other sexual contacts. Get examined, get treated, and be protected. Always use condoms.

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A woman can have chlamydia for years without knowing, but testing will generally detect chlamydia within weeks of infection.

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Q: How long can female have chlamydia and not know even through testing?
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Can chlamydia remain dormant for years and cause false negative test when they swab your cervix?

Although you can have chlamydia without having symptoms, it doesn't stay dormant. It's detectable through testing even if you don't have symptoms.

Can a female test negative for chlamydia after having it for a long time?

The test for chlamydia remains reliable even if someone has been infected for years. Unlike syphilis, long term infection doesn't give a false negative result. However, a certain percentage of people appear to clear chlamydia infection on their own, so it's possible to have chlamydia in the past but test negative now even without taking treatment.

Can you use a females urine even if she is menstrating and will they be able to tell?

Use it for what? Drug testing? Testing can reveal the sex of the donor, regardless of female's time of month.

How does chlamydia work?

Chlamydia is the number one sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Chlamydia is caused by the bacterium, Chlamydia trachomatis, which can damage a woman's reproductive organs. Even though symptoms of chlamydia are usually mild or absent, serious complications that cause irreversible damage, including infertility, can occur "silently" before a woman ever recognizes a problem. Chlamydia also can cause discharge from the penis of an infected man.

Is chlamydia still in your system even if the semen is already digested?

If semen is digested, that means it went through your throat. You get chlamydia from oral sex if your throat is infected during the process of swallowing, not because you "absorbed" the bacteria in your stomach or intestines. If you had oral sex with someone with chlamydia, get tested and treated.

Can you get chlamydia if you were taking amoxicillin when you were exposed?

Possibly. If you were exposed to chlamydia, you should get tested, even if you were on antibiotics at the time.

Can you have chlamydia without knowing?

Yes, 50% may not show any signs. Many men and most women have no symptoms when they have chlamydia. Always get tested if you suspect you may have caught an STD, and don't pass it on through multiple partners.

Can chlamydia be undetected by an exam?

Yes, it's possible for chlamydia to be undetected by an exam. A person can have chlamydia without signs or symptoms detected by the patient or by the health care provider. For this reason, testing is recommended, even for those who have no symptoms. Women 25 and under and men who have sex with men should be tested every year. Anyone should be tested if they have a new partner. Make sure that you ask for testing when you see your health care provider. A urine test is a quick and painless way to make sure you're not infected.

Can you get chlamydia from drinking or smoking after someone?

You can't get chlamydia from drinking alcohol, even if you share a glass with someone who is infected. Chlamydia is spread by sexual contact with someone who is infected.

Can you get chlamydia without being exposed?

Yes, you can catch chlamydia from someone even if you're taking antibiotics when you have sex with that person.

What's Chlamydia?

Chlamydia can refer to a particular group of bacteria which cause a variety of diseases (see related question "What are chlamydiae?"), but usually chlamydia refers to the sexually transmitted disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis.Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease affecting 1.4 million Americans each year. Many men and 80-90% of women with chlamydia have no symptoms. Even though symptoms of chlamydia are usually mild or absent, the infection can cause serious complications including irreversible damage that can make it hard to get pregnant later. These complications can can occur "silently" before a patient ever recognizes a problem.Symptoms in men can include painful urination and discharge from the penis. In women, there could be painful urination, an unusual vaginal discharge, bleeding after sex or between periods, or abdominal pain.Only a health care provider can diagnose chlamydia (through laboratory tests). Laboratory testing is especially important, since the symptoms of chlamydia, if there are any at all, closely resemble those of other STDs (like gonorrhea), and those of other types of infections (like urinary tract infections).Chlamydia testing is painless, and can be done on a urine sample. Chlamydia is curable with certain types of antibiotics. There is no immunity against chlamydia, so you can get this infection again and again if re-exposed.If you think you have a sexually transmitted disease, contact your health care provider or a local health clinic.

Can you transmit chlamydia if you have no symptoms and use a condom?

You can pass chlamydia even with a condom, even if you don't have symptoms. Abstain from sex until seven days after the last partner completed treatment.