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How many bones baby have in their neck and why?

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Q: How many bones are in a baby neck?
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How many bones do you have in your neck?

How many bones In your neck

How many neck bones are in an elephant's neck?

an elephant has seven bones in its neck

How many bones did you have when you were a baby?

You had 300 bones when you were a baby.

How many bones did you have when you were baby?

You had 300 bones when you were a baby.

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How many bones a baby human have?

It doesn't matter the age, all humans have 206 standard bones.

How many neck bones does an adult have?

There are 7 verterbrae and the hyoid bone in the neck.

How many calories does neck bones have?

For a 4oz serving of turkey neck its 150

How many bones are in a tigers neck?

There are 7 bones in the average tiger's neck. These bones move in a variety of directions to allow the animal to see and capture prey.