More than 3 million miles of dental floss are bought each year in North America - an average of 18 yards per person.
Dental Floss
No dental floss does not stretch.
Fio Dental
You must dental floss because if you don't plaque will grow off the food in your mouth.
You can buy refill dental floss for your Glide dental floss tool at most grocery stores. If it has handles and prongs at the top, this is where the refill goes. You can also check big box stores.
Dental floss is a string kind of thing (hard to explain) which you put in between your teeth and go up and down, as a result any plaque between the teeth will be removed.WARNING:Do not swallow the dental floss.
Traditional dental floss is typically made from nylon or plastic materials that are not biodegradable. However, there are biodegradable dental floss options available made from materials like silk or cornstarch-based fibers that break down more easily in the environment.
dental floss
Floss holder and dental floss sticks come in either a "knife" shape or a "Y"shape.
use waterpik
You pull a thread between your teeth. Floss is a term for a thread used in embroidery - now used for dental floss.